# create a plugin that adds a reader to the ParaView GUI # it is added in the file dialog when doing opens/saves. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3) #-------------------------------------------------- # Find and Use ParaView #-------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS}) IF(NOT ParaView_BINARY_DIR) FIND_PACKAGE(ParaView REQUIRED) INCLUDE(${PARAVIEW_USE_FILE}) ENDIF() # Set a consistent MACOSX_RPATH default across all CMake versions. # When CMake 2.8.12 is required, change this default to 1. # When CMake 3.0.0 is required, remove this block (see CMP0042). if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH 0) endif() ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(MyPythonView "1.0" SERVER_MANAGER_XML MyPythonView.xml SERVER_MANAGER_SOURCES vtkMyPythonView.cxx REQUIRED_ON_SERVER )