arguments: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/paraview-real -l=pv_debug.txt,TRACE Current dir: /scratch/problemfall_decomposer/decomposition_288 File verbosity level: 9 ( uptime ) [ thread name/id ] file:line v| ( 0.110s) [paraview ] loguru.cpp:770 1| Logging to 'pv_debug.txt', mode: 'w', verbosity: 9 ( 0.110s) [paraview ] vtkPVPlugin.cxx:62 9| Import status: success ---------------------------------------------------------- Importing plugin: **vtkPVInitializerPlugin** name: vtkPVInitializerPlugin version: 0.0 filename: (nullptr) required-on-server: 0 required-on-client: 0 has-eula: 0 ( 0.110s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.110s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.110s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:302 9| Loading Plugins from standard PLUGIN_PATHS /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.110s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:348 9| Loading plugins in Path: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:353 9| Invalid directory: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:968 9| loading settings JSON string '{ "TransferFunctionPresets" : { "CustomPresets" : "[\n{\n\t\"ColorSpace\" : \"RGB\",\n\t\"Name\" : \"Preset\",\n\t\"Points\" : \n\t[\n\t\t2.4207842812194902e-06,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t0.5,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t25.226653670867556,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t0.5,\n\t\t0.0\n\t],\n\t\"RGBPoints\" : \n\t[\n\t\t2.4207842812194902e-06,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t0.5625,\n\t\t2.8029608678322844,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t9.2097356458390571,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t12.413116728179633,\n\t\t0.5,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t0.5,\n\t\t15.616497810520206,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t22.023272588526982,\n\t\t1.0,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t25.226653670867556,\n\t\t0.5,\n\t\t0.0,\n\t\t0.0\n\t]\n}\n]" }, "filters" : { "Clip" : { "PreserveInputCells" : 1 }, "Cut" : { "Triangulate the slice" : 0 } }, "lookup_tables" : { "PVLookupTable" : { "ColorSpace" : 1, "NanColor" : [ 0.49803921568600001, 0.49803921568600001, 0.49803921568600001 ], "RGBPoints" : [ 2.4207842812194902e-06, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 25.226653670867556, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] } }, "misc" : { "ColorPalette" : { "BackgroundColor" : [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ], "BackgroundColor2" : [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ], "ForegroundColor" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "TextAnnotationColor" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] } }, "piecewise_functions" : { "PiecewiseFunction" : { "Points" : [ 2.4207842812194902e-06, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 25.226653670867556, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 ] } }, "representations" : { "UnstructuredGridRepresentation" : { "AmbientColor" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "BlockColorsDistinctValues" : 12, "EdgeColor" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "SelectionCellLabelFontFile" : "", "SelectionPointLabelFontFile" : "" } }, "settings" : { "GeneralSettings" : { "AutoMPILimit" : 32 } }, "sources" : { "ensight" : { "CaseFileName" : "/home/as01449/vortex_flow/testfall_merkle/mesh/ensight/level_01/" } }, "views" : { "RenderView" : { "Background" : [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ], "CameraParallelProjection" : 1, "OrientationAxesLabelColor" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "OrientationAxesOutlineColor" : [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "StereoType" : 0 } } } ' ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:992 9| successfully parsed settings string ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:1022 9| load settings file `/home/as01449/.config/ParaView/ParaView-UserSettings.json` -- succeeded ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:1028 9| load settings file `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/share/paraview-5.9/ParaView-SiteSettings.json` -- missing (skipped) ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:1028 9| load settings file `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/lib//ParaView-SiteSettings.json` -- missing (skipped) ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:1028 9| load settings file `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/ParaView-SiteSettings.json` -- missing (skipped) ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:1028 9| load settings file `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/..//ParaView-SiteSettings.json` -- missing (skipped) ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:968 9| loading settings JSON string '{ "standard_presets": { "vtkBlockColors": "KAAMS", "AtomicNumbers": "BlueObeliskElements" } }' ( 0.111s) [paraview ] vtkSMSettings.cxx:992 9| successfully parsed settings string ( 0.112s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:123 9| { creating main window `ParaViewMainWindow` ( 0.228s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 0.228s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 0.228s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:201 9| . update-information-panel (nullptr) ( 0.232s) [paraview ] pqApplicationCore.cxx:520 9| . loading Qt settings from '/home/as01449/.config/ParaView/ParaView5.9.0.ini' ( 0.236s) [paraview ] pqPropertiesPanel.cxx:767 9| . `Apply` button disabled since no changes are apply-able changes are present. ( 0.249s) [paraview ] pqPropertiesPanel.cxx:767 9| . `Apply` button disabled since no changes are apply-able changes are present. ( 0.253s) [paraview ] pqPropertiesPanel.cxx:767 9| . `Apply` button disabled since no changes are apply-able changes are present. ( 0.287s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . { looking for 'doc' ( 0.287s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ -- failed! ( 0.287s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/share/paraview-5.9/doc -- failed! ( 0.287s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../share/paraview-5.9/doc -- success! ( 0.287s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for 'doc' ( 0.466s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.466s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 0.475s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . { looking for 'ospray_mats.json' ( 0.476s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ -- failed! ( 0.476s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/share/paraview-5.9/materials/ospray_mats.json -- failed! ( 0.476s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../share/paraview-5.9/materials/ospray_mats.json -- success! ( 0.476s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for 'ospray_mats.json' ( 0.478s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d2ecd0) execute-data-object ( 0.478s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d2ecd0) execute-information ( 0.478s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d2ecd0) execute-update-time ( 0.478s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d2ecd0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.478s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d2ecd0) execute-update-extent ( 0.478s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d2ecd0) execute-data ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1a92180) execute-data-object ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1a92180) execute-information ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1a92180) execute-update-time ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1a92180) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1a92180) execute-update-extent ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1a92180) execute-data ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x2f1ece0) execute-data-object ( 0.482s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x2f1ece0) execute-information ( 0.483s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x2f1ece0) execute-update-time ( 0.483s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x2f1ece0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.483s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x2f1ece0) execute-update-extent ( 0.483s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x2f1ece0) execute-data ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ce3e00) execute-data-object ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ce3e00) execute-information ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ce3e00) execute-update-time ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ce3e00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ce3e00) execute-update-extent ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ce3e00) execute-data ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d41080) execute-data-object ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d41080) execute-information ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d41080) execute-update-time ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d41080) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d41080) execute-update-extent ( 0.495s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d41080) execute-data ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4a030) execute-data-object ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4a030) execute-information ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4a030) execute-update-time ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4a030) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4a030) execute-update-extent ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4a030) execute-data ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d4e3c0) execute-data-object ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d4e3c0) execute-information ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d4e3c0) execute-update-time ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d4e3c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d4e3c0) execute-update-extent ( 0.506s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d4e3c0) execute-data ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d3e370) execute-data-object ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d3e370) execute-information ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d3e370) execute-update-time ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d3e370) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d3e370) execute-update-extent ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d3e370) execute-data ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d55080) execute-data-object ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d55080) execute-information ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d55080) execute-update-time ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d55080) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d55080) execute-update-extent ( 0.518s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d55080) execute-data ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4e610) execute-data-object ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4e610) execute-information ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4e610) execute-update-time ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4e610) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4e610) execute-update-extent ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d4e610) execute-data ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d61cf0) execute-data-object ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d61cf0) execute-information ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d61cf0) execute-update-time ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d61cf0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d61cf0) execute-update-extent ( 0.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d61cf0) execute-data ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d55280) execute-data-object ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d55280) execute-information ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d55280) execute-update-time ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d55280) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d55280) execute-update-extent ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d55280) execute-data ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d5d190) execute-data-object ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d5d190) execute-information ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d5d190) execute-update-time ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d5d190) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d5d190) execute-update-extent ( 0.541s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d5d190) execute-data ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d61f40) execute-data-object ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d61f40) execute-information ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d61f40) execute-update-time ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d61f40) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d61f40) execute-update-extent ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d61f40) execute-data ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1af9ce0) execute-data-object ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1af9ce0) execute-information ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1af9ce0) execute-update-time ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1af9ce0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1af9ce0) execute-update-extent ( 0.552s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1af9ce0) execute-data ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d5d390) execute-data-object ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d5d390) execute-information ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d5d390) execute-update-time ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d5d390) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d5d390) execute-update-extent ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d5d390) execute-data ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b00cd0) execute-data-object ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b00cd0) execute-information ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b00cd0) execute-update-time ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b00cd0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b00cd0) execute-update-extent ( 0.564s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b00cd0) execute-data ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1af9f30) execute-data-object ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1af9f30) execute-information ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1af9f30) execute-update-time ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1af9f30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1af9f30) execute-update-extent ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1af9f30) execute-data ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b088e0) execute-data-object ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b088e0) execute-information ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b088e0) execute-update-time ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b088e0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b088e0) execute-update-extent ( 0.575s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b088e0) execute-data ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b00ed0) execute-data-object ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b00ed0) execute-information ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b00ed0) execute-update-time ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b00ed0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b00ed0) execute-update-extent ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b00ed0) execute-data ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b0f320) execute-data-object ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b0f320) execute-information ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b0f320) execute-update-time ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b0f320) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b0f320) execute-update-extent ( 0.586s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b0f320) execute-data ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b08ba0) execute-data-object ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b08ba0) execute-information ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b08ba0) execute-update-time ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b08ba0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b08ba0) execute-update-extent ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b08ba0) execute-data ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b14b30) execute-data-object ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b14b30) execute-information ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b14b30) execute-update-time ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b14b30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b14b30) execute-update-extent ( 0.600s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b14b30) execute-data ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b0f520) execute-data-object ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b0f520) execute-information ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b0f520) execute-update-time ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b0f520) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b0f520) execute-update-extent ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b0f520) execute-data ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b1d0d0) execute-data-object ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b1d0d0) execute-information ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b1d0d0) execute-update-time ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b1d0d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b1d0d0) execute-update-extent ( 0.614s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b1d0d0) execute-data ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b14d30) execute-data-object ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b14d30) execute-information ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b14d30) execute-update-time ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b14d30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b14d30) execute-update-extent ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b14d30) execute-data ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b29760) execute-data-object ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b29760) execute-information ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b29760) execute-update-time ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b29760) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b29760) execute-update-extent ( 0.626s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b29760) execute-data ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b1d2d0) execute-data-object ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b1d2d0) execute-information ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b1d2d0) execute-update-time ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b1d2d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b1d2d0) execute-update-extent ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b1d2d0) execute-data ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b237f0) execute-data-object ( 0.638s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b237f0) execute-information ( 0.639s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b237f0) execute-update-time ( 0.639s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b237f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.639s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b237f0) execute-update-extent ( 0.639s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1b237f0) execute-data ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b29960) execute-data-object ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b29960) execute-information ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b29960) execute-update-time ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b29960) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b29960) execute-update-extent ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b29960) execute-data ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cece80) execute-data-object ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cece80) execute-information ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cece80) execute-update-time ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cece80) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cece80) execute-update-extent ( 0.649s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cece80) execute-data ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b239f0) execute-data-object ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b239f0) execute-information ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b239f0) execute-update-time ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b239f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b239f0) execute-update-extent ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1b239f0) execute-data ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cf3e80) execute-data-object ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cf3e80) execute-information ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cf3e80) execute-update-time ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cf3e80) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cf3e80) execute-update-extent ( 0.661s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cf3e80) execute-data ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ced0d0) execute-data-object ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ced0d0) execute-information ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ced0d0) execute-update-time ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ced0d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ced0d0) execute-update-extent ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ced0d0) execute-data ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cfb8d0) execute-data-object ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cfb8d0) execute-information ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cfb8d0) execute-update-time ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cfb8d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cfb8d0) execute-update-extent ( 0.672s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cfb8d0) execute-data ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cf4080) execute-data-object ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cf4080) execute-information ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cf4080) execute-update-time ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cf4080) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cf4080) execute-update-extent ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cf4080) execute-data ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d028c0) execute-data-object ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d028c0) execute-information ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d028c0) execute-update-time ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d028c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d028c0) execute-update-extent ( 0.684s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d028c0) execute-data ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cfbb20) execute-data-object ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cfbb20) execute-information ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cfbb20) execute-update-time ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cfbb20) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cfbb20) execute-update-extent ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cfbb20) execute-data ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d0a320) execute-data-object ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d0a320) execute-information ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d0a320) execute-update-time ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d0a320) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d0a320) execute-update-extent ( 0.695s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d0a320) execute-data ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d02ac0) execute-data-object ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d02ac0) execute-information ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d02ac0) execute-update-time ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d02ac0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d02ac0) execute-update-extent ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d02ac0) execute-data ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d11310) execute-data-object ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d11310) execute-information ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d11310) execute-update-time ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d11310) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d11310) execute-update-extent ( 0.707s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d11310) execute-data ( 0.717s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d0a570) execute-data-object ( 0.717s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d0a570) execute-information ( 0.717s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d0a570) execute-update-time ( 0.717s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d0a570) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.717s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d0a570) execute-update-extent ( 0.717s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d0a570) execute-data ( 0.718s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d18ea0) execute-data-object ( 0.718s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d18ea0) execute-information ( 0.718s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d18ea0) execute-update-time ( 0.718s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d18ea0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.718s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d18ea0) execute-update-extent ( 0.718s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d18ea0) execute-data ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d11510) execute-data-object ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d11510) execute-information ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d11510) execute-update-time ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d11510) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d11510) execute-update-extent ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d11510) execute-data ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d28bc0) execute-data-object ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d28bc0) execute-information ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d28bc0) execute-update-time ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d28bc0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d28bc0) execute-update-extent ( 0.733s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d28bc0) execute-data ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d19110) execute-data-object ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d19110) execute-information ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d19110) execute-update-time ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d19110) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d19110) execute-update-extent ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d19110) execute-data ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d206f0) execute-data-object ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d206f0) execute-information ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d206f0) execute-update-time ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d206f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d206f0) execute-update-extent ( 0.754s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1d206f0) execute-data ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d28dc0) execute-data-object ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d28dc0) execute-information ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d28dc0) execute-update-time ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d28dc0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d28dc0) execute-update-extent ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d28dc0) execute-data ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c5fc50) execute-data-object ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c5fc50) execute-information ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c5fc50) execute-update-time ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c5fc50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c5fc50) execute-update-extent ( 0.770s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c5fc50) execute-data ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d208f0) execute-data-object ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d208f0) execute-information ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d208f0) execute-update-time ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d208f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d208f0) execute-update-extent ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1d208f0) execute-data ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c66df0) execute-data-object ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c66df0) execute-information ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c66df0) execute-update-time ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c66df0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c66df0) execute-update-extent ( 0.782s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c66df0) execute-data ( 0.792s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c5fe50) execute-data-object ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c5fe50) execute-information ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c5fe50) execute-update-time ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c5fe50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c5fe50) execute-update-extent ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c5fe50) execute-data ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c6e8a0) execute-data-object ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c6e8a0) execute-information ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c6e8a0) execute-update-time ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c6e8a0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c6e8a0) execute-update-extent ( 0.793s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c6e8a0) execute-data ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c66ff0) execute-data-object ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c66ff0) execute-information ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c66ff0) execute-update-time ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c66ff0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c66ff0) execute-update-extent ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c66ff0) execute-data ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c75540) execute-data-object ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c75540) execute-information ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c75540) execute-update-time ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c75540) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c75540) execute-update-extent ( 0.805s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c75540) execute-data ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c6eaf0) execute-data-object ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c6eaf0) execute-information ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c6eaf0) execute-update-time ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c6eaf0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c6eaf0) execute-update-extent ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c6eaf0) execute-data ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c7cb50) execute-data-object ( 0.815s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c7cb50) execute-information ( 0.816s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c7cb50) execute-update-time ( 0.816s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c7cb50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.816s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c7cb50) execute-update-extent ( 0.816s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c7cb50) execute-data ( 0.827s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c75740) execute-data-object ( 0.827s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c75740) execute-information ( 0.827s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c75740) execute-update-time ( 0.827s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c75740) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.827s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c75740) execute-update-extent ( 0.827s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c75740) execute-data ( 0.828s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c83f00) execute-data-object ( 0.828s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c83f00) execute-information ( 0.828s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c83f00) execute-update-time ( 0.828s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c83f00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.828s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c83f00) execute-update-extent ( 0.828s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c83f00) execute-data ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c7cee0) execute-data-object ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c7cee0) execute-information ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c7cee0) execute-update-time ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c7cee0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c7cee0) execute-update-extent ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c7cee0) execute-data ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c8b940) execute-data-object ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c8b940) execute-information ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c8b940) execute-update-time ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c8b940) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c8b940) execute-update-extent ( 0.838s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c8b940) execute-data ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c84100) execute-data-object ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c84100) execute-information ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c84100) execute-update-time ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c84100) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c84100) execute-update-extent ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c84100) execute-data ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c92930) execute-data-object ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c92930) execute-information ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c92930) execute-update-time ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c92930) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c92930) execute-update-extent ( 0.850s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c92930) execute-data ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c8bb90) execute-data-object ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c8bb90) execute-information ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c8bb90) execute-update-time ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c8bb90) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c8bb90) execute-update-extent ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c8bb90) execute-data ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c9a1f0) execute-data-object ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c9a1f0) execute-information ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c9a1f0) execute-update-time ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c9a1f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c9a1f0) execute-update-extent ( 0.861s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c9a1f0) execute-data ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c92b30) execute-data-object ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c92b30) execute-information ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c92b30) execute-update-time ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c92b30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c92b30) execute-update-extent ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c92b30) execute-data ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ca0ac0) execute-data-object ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ca0ac0) execute-information ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ca0ac0) execute-update-time ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ca0ac0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ca0ac0) execute-update-extent ( 0.877s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ca0ac0) execute-data ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c9a3f0) execute-data-object ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c9a3f0) execute-information ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c9a3f0) execute-update-time ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c9a3f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c9a3f0) execute-update-extent ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c9a3f0) execute-data ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cae290) execute-data-object ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cae290) execute-information ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cae290) execute-update-time ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cae290) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cae290) execute-update-extent ( 0.894s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1cae290) execute-data ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ca0cc0) execute-data-object ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ca0cc0) execute-information ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ca0cc0) execute-update-time ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ca0cc0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ca0cc0) execute-update-extent ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ca0cc0) execute-data ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1caa100) execute-data-object ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1caa100) execute-information ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1caa100) execute-update-time ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1caa100) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1caa100) execute-update-extent ( 0.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1caa100) execute-data ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cae490) execute-data-object ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cae490) execute-information ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cae490) execute-update-time ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cae490) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cae490) execute-update-extent ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1cae490) execute-data ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ba73a0) execute-data-object ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ba73a0) execute-information ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ba73a0) execute-update-time ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ba73a0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ba73a0) execute-update-extent ( 0.933s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1ba73a0) execute-data ( 0.962s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1caa300) execute-data-object ( 0.962s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1caa300) execute-information ( 0.962s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1caa300) execute-update-time ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1caa300) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1caa300) execute-update-extent ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1caa300) execute-data ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bae080) execute-data-object ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bae080) execute-information ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bae080) execute-update-time ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bae080) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bae080) execute-update-extent ( 0.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bae080) execute-data ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ba75a0) execute-data-object ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ba75a0) execute-information ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ba75a0) execute-update-time ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ba75a0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ba75a0) execute-update-extent ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1ba75a0) execute-data ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bb4ea0) execute-data-object ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bb4ea0) execute-information ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bb4ea0) execute-update-time ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bb4ea0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bb4ea0) execute-update-extent ( 0.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bb4ea0) execute-data ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bae280) execute-data-object ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bae280) execute-information ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bae280) execute-update-time ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bae280) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bae280) execute-update-extent ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bae280) execute-data ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bbbf30) execute-data-object ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bbbf30) execute-information ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bbbf30) execute-update-time ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bbbf30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bbbf30) execute-update-extent ( 1.003s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bbbf30) execute-data ( 1.024s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bb50a0) execute-data-object ( 1.024s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bb50a0) execute-information ( 1.024s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bb50a0) execute-update-time ( 1.024s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bb50a0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.024s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bb50a0) execute-update-extent ( 1.024s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bb50a0) execute-data ( 1.025s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc2c10) execute-data-object ( 1.025s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc2c10) execute-information ( 1.025s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc2c10) execute-update-time ( 1.025s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc2c10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.025s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc2c10) execute-update-extent ( 1.025s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc2c10) execute-data ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bbc130) execute-data-object ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bbc130) execute-information ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bbc130) execute-update-time ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bbc130) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bbc130) execute-update-extent ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bbc130) execute-data ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc9940) execute-data-object ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc9940) execute-information ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc9940) execute-update-time ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc9940) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc9940) execute-update-extent ( 1.035s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bc9940) execute-data ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc2e10) execute-data-object ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc2e10) execute-information ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc2e10) execute-update-time ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc2e10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc2e10) execute-update-extent ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc2e10) execute-data ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd0810) execute-data-object ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd0810) execute-information ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd0810) execute-update-time ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd0810) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd0810) execute-update-extent ( 1.045s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd0810) execute-data ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc9b00) execute-data-object ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc9b00) execute-information ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc9b00) execute-update-time ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc9b00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc9b00) execute-update-extent ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bc9b00) execute-data ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd71c0) execute-data-object ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd71c0) execute-information ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd71c0) execute-update-time ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd71c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd71c0) execute-update-extent ( 1.067s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bd71c0) execute-data ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd0a10) execute-data-object ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd0a10) execute-information ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd0a10) execute-update-time ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd0a10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd0a10) execute-update-extent ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd0a10) execute-data ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bdde60) execute-data-object ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bdde60) execute-information ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bdde60) execute-update-time ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bdde60) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bdde60) execute-update-extent ( 1.092s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bdde60) execute-data ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd73c0) execute-data-object ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd73c0) execute-information ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd73c0) execute-update-time ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd73c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd73c0) execute-update-extent ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bd73c0) execute-data ( 1.113s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1be4a50) execute-data-object ( 1.114s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1be4a50) execute-information ( 1.114s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1be4a50) execute-update-time ( 1.114s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1be4a50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.114s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1be4a50) execute-update-extent ( 1.114s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1be4a50) execute-data ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bde060) execute-data-object ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bde060) execute-information ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bde060) execute-update-time ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bde060) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bde060) execute-update-extent ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bde060) execute-data ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1beba30) execute-data-object ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1beba30) execute-information ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1beba30) execute-update-time ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1beba30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1beba30) execute-update-extent ( 1.137s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1beba30) execute-data ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1be4c50) execute-data-object ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1be4c50) execute-information ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1be4c50) execute-update-time ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1be4c50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1be4c50) execute-update-extent ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1be4c50) execute-data ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf2580) execute-data-object ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf2580) execute-information ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf2580) execute-update-time ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf2580) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf2580) execute-update-extent ( 1.148s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf2580) execute-data ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bebc30) execute-data-object ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bebc30) execute-information ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bebc30) execute-update-time ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bebc30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bebc30) execute-update-extent ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bebc30) execute-data ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf9370) execute-data-object ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf9370) execute-information ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf9370) execute-update-time ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf9370) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf9370) execute-update-extent ( 1.160s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1bf9370) execute-data ( 1.170s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf2780) execute-data-object ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf2780) execute-information ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf2780) execute-update-time ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf2780) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf2780) execute-update-extent ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf2780) execute-data ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d4b1b0) execute-data-object ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d4b1b0) execute-information ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d4b1b0) execute-update-time ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d4b1b0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d4b1b0) execute-update-extent ( 1.171s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1d4b1b0) execute-data ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf9570) execute-data-object ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf9570) execute-information ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf9570) execute-update-time ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf9570) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf9570) execute-update-extent ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bf9570) execute-data ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c08440) execute-data-object ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c08440) execute-information ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c08440) execute-update-time ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c08440) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c08440) execute-update-extent ( 1.180s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c08440) execute-data ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bfb0e0) execute-data-object ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bfb0e0) execute-information ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bfb0e0) execute-update-time ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bfb0e0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bfb0e0) execute-update-extent ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1bfb0e0) execute-data ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c0f130) execute-data-object ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c0f130) execute-information ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c0f130) execute-update-time ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c0f130) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c0f130) execute-update-extent ( 1.189s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c0f130) execute-data ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c00b80) execute-data-object ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c00b80) execute-information ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c00b80) execute-update-time ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c00b80) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c00b80) execute-update-extent ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c00b80) execute-data ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c15d70) execute-data-object ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c15d70) execute-information ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c15d70) execute-update-time ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c15d70) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c15d70) execute-update-extent ( 1.199s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c15d70) execute-data ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c07c10) execute-data-object ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c07c10) execute-information ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c07c10) execute-update-time ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c07c10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c07c10) execute-update-extent ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c07c10) execute-data ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c001f0) execute-data-object ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c001f0) execute-information ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c001f0) execute-update-time ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c001f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c001f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.216s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c001f0) execute-data ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c0e8d0) execute-data-object ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c0e8d0) execute-information ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c0e8d0) execute-update-time ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c0e8d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c0e8d0) execute-update-extent ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c0e8d0) execute-data ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c22420) execute-data-object ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c22420) execute-information ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c22420) execute-update-time ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c22420) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c22420) execute-update-extent ( 1.232s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c22420) execute-data ( 1.252s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c1baf0) execute-data-object ( 1.252s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c1baf0) execute-information ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c1baf0) execute-update-time ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c1baf0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c1baf0) execute-update-extent ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c1baf0) execute-data ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c29250) execute-data-object ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c29250) execute-information ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c29250) execute-update-time ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c29250) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c29250) execute-update-extent ( 1.253s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c29250) execute-data ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c22620) execute-data-object ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c22620) execute-information ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c22620) execute-update-time ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c22620) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c22620) execute-update-extent ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c22620) execute-data ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c1cae0) execute-data-object ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c1cae0) execute-information ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c1cae0) execute-update-time ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c1cae0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c1cae0) execute-update-extent ( 1.267s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c1cae0) execute-data ( 1.296s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c29450) execute-data-object ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c29450) execute-information ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c29450) execute-update-time ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c29450) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c29450) execute-update-extent ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c29450) execute-data ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c35160) execute-data-object ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c35160) execute-information ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c35160) execute-update-time ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c35160) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c35160) execute-update-extent ( 1.297s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkPNGReader (0x1c35160) execute-data ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c2b130) execute-data-object ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c2b130) execute-information ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c2b130) execute-update-time ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c2b130) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c2b130) execute-update-extent ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c2b130) execute-data ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c2ff50) execute-data-object ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c2ff50) execute-information ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c2ff50) execute-update-time ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c2ff50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c2ff50) execute-update-extent ( 1.328s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c2ff50) execute-data ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c308e0) execute-data-object ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c308e0) execute-information ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c308e0) execute-update-time ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c308e0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c308e0) execute-update-extent ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c308e0) execute-data ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c444c0) execute-data-object ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c444c0) execute-information ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c444c0) execute-update-time ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c444c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c444c0) execute-update-extent ( 1.359s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c444c0) execute-data ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c3de00) execute-data-object ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c3de00) execute-information ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c3de00) execute-update-time ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c3de00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c3de00) execute-update-extent ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c3de00) execute-data ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c4b290) execute-data-object ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c4b290) execute-information ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c4b290) execute-update-time ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c4b290) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c4b290) execute-update-extent ( 1.377s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c4b290) execute-data ( 1.394s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c446c0) execute-data-object ( 1.394s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c446c0) execute-information ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c446c0) execute-update-time ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c446c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c446c0) execute-update-extent ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c446c0) execute-data ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c57cb0) execute-data-object ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c57cb0) execute-information ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c57cb0) execute-update-time ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c57cb0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c57cb0) execute-update-extent ( 1.395s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c57cb0) execute-data ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c4b490) execute-data-object ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c4b490) execute-information ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c4b490) execute-update-time ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c4b490) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c4b490) execute-update-extent ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c4b490) execute-data ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c50f30) execute-data-object ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c50f30) execute-information ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c50f30) execute-update-time ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c50f30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c50f30) execute-update-extent ( 1.411s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1c50f30) execute-data ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c57eb0) execute-data-object ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c57eb0) execute-information ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c57eb0) execute-update-time ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c57eb0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c57eb0) execute-update-extent ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c57eb0) execute-data ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xe9cc750) execute-data-object ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xe9cc750) execute-information ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xe9cc750) execute-update-time ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xe9cc750) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xe9cc750) execute-update-extent ( 1.445s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xe9cc750) execute-data ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c51130) execute-data-object ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c51130) execute-information ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c51130) execute-update-time ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c51130) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c51130) execute-update-extent ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1c51130) execute-data ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xecd3590) execute-data-object ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xecd3590) execute-information ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xecd3590) execute-update-time ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xecd3590) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xecd3590) execute-update-extent ( 1.470s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xecd3590) execute-data ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xe9cc950) execute-data-object ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xe9cc950) execute-information ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xe9cc950) execute-update-time ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xe9cc950) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xe9cc950) execute-update-extent ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xe9cc950) execute-data ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xefda260) execute-data-object ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xefda260) execute-information ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xefda260) execute-update-time ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xefda260) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xefda260) execute-update-extent ( 1.487s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xefda260) execute-data ( 1.509s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xecd3790) execute-data-object ( 1.509s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xecd3790) execute-information ( 1.509s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xecd3790) execute-update-time ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xecd3790) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xecd3790) execute-update-extent ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xecd3790) execute-data ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf2e0f50) execute-data-object ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf2e0f50) execute-information ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf2e0f50) execute-update-time ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf2e0f50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf2e0f50) execute-update-extent ( 1.510s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf2e0f50) execute-data ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xefda460) execute-data-object ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xefda460) execute-information ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xefda460) execute-update-time ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xefda460) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xefda460) execute-update-extent ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xefda460) execute-data ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf5e7d50) execute-data-object ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf5e7d50) execute-information ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf5e7d50) execute-update-time ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf5e7d50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf5e7d50) execute-update-extent ( 1.529s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf5e7d50) execute-data ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf2e1150) execute-data-object ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf2e1150) execute-information ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf2e1150) execute-update-time ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf2e1150) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf2e1150) execute-update-extent ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf2e1150) execute-data ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf8eea00) execute-data-object ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf8eea00) execute-information ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf8eea00) execute-update-time ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf8eea00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf8eea00) execute-update-extent ( 1.559s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xf8eea00) execute-data ( 1.583s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf5e7f50) execute-data-object ( 1.583s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf5e7f50) execute-information ( 1.583s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf5e7f50) execute-update-time ( 1.583s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf5e7f50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.583s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf5e7f50) execute-update-extent ( 1.583s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf5e7f50) execute-data ( 1.584s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfbf56f0) execute-data-object ( 1.584s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfbf56f0) execute-information ( 1.584s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfbf56f0) execute-update-time ( 1.584s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfbf56f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.584s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfbf56f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.584s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfbf56f0) execute-data ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf8eec00) execute-data-object ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf8eec00) execute-information ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf8eec00) execute-update-time ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf8eec00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf8eec00) execute-update-extent ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xf8eec00) execute-data ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfefc4f0) execute-data-object ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfefc4f0) execute-information ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfefc4f0) execute-update-time ( 1.603s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfefc4f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.604s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfefc4f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.604s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0xfefc4f0) execute-data ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfbf58f0) execute-data-object ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfbf58f0) execute-information ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfbf58f0) execute-update-time ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfbf58f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfbf58f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfbf58f0) execute-data ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x102031a0) execute-data-object ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x102031a0) execute-information ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x102031a0) execute-update-time ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x102031a0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x102031a0) execute-update-extent ( 1.637s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x102031a0) execute-data ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfefc6f0) execute-data-object ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfefc6f0) execute-information ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfefc6f0) execute-update-time ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfefc6f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfefc6f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0xfefc6f0) execute-data ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10509e90) execute-data-object ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10509e90) execute-information ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10509e90) execute-update-time ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10509e90) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10509e90) execute-update-extent ( 1.666s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10509e90) execute-data ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x102033a0) execute-data-object ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x102033a0) execute-information ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x102033a0) execute-update-time ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x102033a0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x102033a0) execute-update-extent ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x102033a0) execute-data ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10810dc0) execute-data-object ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10810dc0) execute-information ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10810dc0) execute-update-time ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10810dc0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10810dc0) execute-update-extent ( 1.691s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10810dc0) execute-data ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1050a090) execute-data-object ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1050a090) execute-information ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1050a090) execute-update-time ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1050a090) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1050a090) execute-update-extent ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1050a090) execute-data ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10b17d50) execute-data-object ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10b17d50) execute-information ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10b17d50) execute-update-time ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10b17d50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10b17d50) execute-update-extent ( 1.706s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10b17d50) execute-data ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10810f80) execute-data-object ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10810f80) execute-information ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10810f80) execute-update-time ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10810f80) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10810f80) execute-update-extent ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10810f80) execute-data ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10e1ead0) execute-data-object ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10e1ead0) execute-information ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10e1ead0) execute-update-time ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10e1ead0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10e1ead0) execute-update-extent ( 1.726s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x10e1ead0) execute-data ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10b17f10) execute-data-object ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10b17f10) execute-information ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10b17f10) execute-update-time ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10b17f10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10b17f10) execute-update-extent ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10b17f10) execute-data ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x111257d0) execute-data-object ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x111257d0) execute-information ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x111257d0) execute-update-time ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x111257d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x111257d0) execute-update-extent ( 1.739s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x111257d0) execute-data ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10e1ec90) execute-data-object ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10e1ec90) execute-information ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10e1ec90) execute-update-time ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10e1ec90) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10e1ec90) execute-update-extent ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x10e1ec90) execute-data ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1142c180) execute-data-object ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1142c180) execute-information ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1142c180) execute-update-time ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1142c180) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1142c180) execute-update-extent ( 1.762s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1142c180) execute-data ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x111259d0) execute-data-object ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x111259d0) execute-information ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x111259d0) execute-update-time ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x111259d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x111259d0) execute-update-extent ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x111259d0) execute-data ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11732df0) execute-data-object ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11732df0) execute-information ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11732df0) execute-update-time ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11732df0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11732df0) execute-update-extent ( 1.788s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11732df0) execute-data ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1142c340) execute-data-object ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1142c340) execute-information ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1142c340) execute-update-time ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1142c340) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1142c340) execute-update-extent ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1142c340) execute-data ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11a39ce0) execute-data-object ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11a39ce0) execute-information ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11a39ce0) execute-update-time ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11a39ce0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11a39ce0) execute-update-extent ( 1.809s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11a39ce0) execute-data ( 1.828s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11732fb0) execute-data-object ( 1.828s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11732fb0) execute-information ( 1.828s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11732fb0) execute-update-time ( 1.828s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11732fb0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.828s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11732fb0) execute-update-extent ( 1.828s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11732fb0) execute-data ( 1.829s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11d40850) execute-data-object ( 1.829s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11d40850) execute-information ( 1.829s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11d40850) execute-update-time ( 1.829s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11d40850) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.829s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11d40850) execute-update-extent ( 1.829s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x11d40850) execute-data ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11a39ea0) execute-data-object ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11a39ea0) execute-information ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11a39ea0) execute-update-time ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11a39ea0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11a39ea0) execute-update-extent ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11a39ea0) execute-data ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12047540) execute-data-object ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12047540) execute-information ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12047540) execute-update-time ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12047540) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12047540) execute-update-extent ( 1.844s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12047540) execute-data ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11d40a10) execute-data-object ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11d40a10) execute-information ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11d40a10) execute-update-time ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11d40a10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11d40a10) execute-update-extent ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x11d40a10) execute-data ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1234e410) execute-data-object ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1234e410) execute-information ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1234e410) execute-update-time ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1234e410) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1234e410) execute-update-extent ( 1.860s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1234e410) execute-data ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12047700) execute-data-object ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12047700) execute-information ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12047700) execute-update-time ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12047700) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12047700) execute-update-extent ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12047700) execute-data ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12655500) execute-data-object ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12655500) execute-information ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12655500) execute-update-time ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12655500) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12655500) execute-update-extent ( 1.875s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12655500) execute-data ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1234e610) execute-data-object ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1234e610) execute-information ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1234e610) execute-update-time ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1234e610) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1234e610) execute-update-extent ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1234e610) execute-data ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1295c1f0) execute-data-object ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1295c1f0) execute-information ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1295c1f0) execute-update-time ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1295c1f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1295c1f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.890s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1295c1f0) execute-data ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x126556c0) execute-data-object ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x126556c0) execute-information ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x126556c0) execute-update-time ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x126556c0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x126556c0) execute-update-extent ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x126556c0) execute-data ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12c62f30) execute-data-object ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12c62f30) execute-information ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12c62f30) execute-update-time ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12c62f30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12c62f30) execute-update-extent ( 1.900s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12c62f30) execute-data ( 1.903s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1295c3b0) execute-data-object ( 1.903s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1295c3b0) execute-information ( 1.903s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1295c3b0) execute-update-time ( 1.903s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1295c3b0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.903s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1295c3b0) execute-update-extent ( 1.903s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1295c3b0) execute-data ( 1.904s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12f69bb0) execute-data-object ( 1.904s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12f69bb0) execute-information ( 1.904s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12f69bb0) execute-update-time ( 1.904s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12f69bb0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.904s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12f69bb0) execute-update-extent ( 1.904s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x12f69bb0) execute-data ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12c630f0) execute-data-object ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12c630f0) execute-information ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12c630f0) execute-update-time ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12c630f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12c630f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12c630f0) execute-data ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13030840) execute-data-object ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13030840) execute-information ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13030840) execute-update-time ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13030840) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13030840) execute-update-extent ( 1.907s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13030840) execute-data ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12f69d70) execute-data-object ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12f69d70) execute-information ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12f69d70) execute-update-time ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12f69d70) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12f69d70) execute-update-extent ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x12f69d70) execute-data ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x130f7590) execute-data-object ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x130f7590) execute-information ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x130f7590) execute-update-time ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x130f7590) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x130f7590) execute-update-extent ( 1.909s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x130f7590) execute-data ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13030a00) execute-data-object ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13030a00) execute-information ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13030a00) execute-update-time ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13030a00) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13030a00) execute-update-extent ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13030a00) execute-data ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x131be3f0) execute-data-object ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x131be3f0) execute-information ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x131be3f0) execute-update-time ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x131be3f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x131be3f0) execute-update-extent ( 1.913s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x131be3f0) execute-data ( 1.937s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x130f7750) execute-data-object ( 1.937s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x130f7750) execute-information ( 1.937s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x130f7750) execute-update-time ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x130f7750) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x130f7750) execute-update-extent ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x130f7750) execute-data ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13284f80) execute-data-object ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13284f80) execute-information ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13284f80) execute-update-time ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13284f80) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13284f80) execute-update-extent ( 1.938s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13284f80) execute-data ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x131be5b0) execute-data-object ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x131be5b0) execute-information ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x131be5b0) execute-update-time ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x131be5b0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x131be5b0) execute-update-extent ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x131be5b0) execute-data ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1358be10) execute-data-object ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1358be10) execute-information ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1358be10) execute-update-time ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1358be10) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1358be10) execute-update-extent ( 1.963s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1358be10) execute-data ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13285140) execute-data-object ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13285140) execute-information ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13285140) execute-update-time ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13285140) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13285140) execute-update-extent ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13285140) execute-data ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13892b20) execute-data-object ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13892b20) execute-information ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13892b20) execute-update-time ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13892b20) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13892b20) execute-update-extent ( 1.966s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13892b20) execute-data ( 1.968s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1358c010) execute-data-object ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1358c010) execute-information ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1358c010) execute-update-time ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1358c010) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1358c010) execute-update-extent ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1358c010) execute-data ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13959b20) execute-data-object ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13959b20) execute-information ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13959b20) execute-update-time ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13959b20) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13959b20) execute-update-extent ( 1.969s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13959b20) execute-data ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13892ce0) execute-data-object ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13892ce0) execute-information ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13892ce0) execute-update-time ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13892ce0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13892ce0) execute-update-extent ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13892ce0) execute-data ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13a20680) execute-data-object ( 1.978s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13a20680) execute-information ( 1.979s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13a20680) execute-update-time ( 1.979s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13a20680) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.979s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13a20680) execute-update-extent ( 1.979s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13a20680) execute-data ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13959ce0) execute-data-object ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13959ce0) execute-information ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13959ce0) execute-update-time ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13959ce0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13959ce0) execute-update-extent ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13959ce0) execute-data ( 1.988s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13d27410) execute-data-object ( 1.989s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13d27410) execute-information ( 1.989s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13d27410) execute-update-time ( 1.989s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13d27410) execute-time-dependent-information ( 1.989s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13d27410) execute-update-extent ( 1.989s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x13d27410) execute-data ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13a20840) execute-data-object ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13a20840) execute-information ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13a20840) execute-update-time ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13a20840) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13a20840) execute-update-extent ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13a20840) execute-data ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1402e280) execute-data-object ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1402e280) execute-information ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1402e280) execute-update-time ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1402e280) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1402e280) execute-update-extent ( 2.004s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x1402e280) execute-data ( 2.007s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13d275d0) execute-data-object ( 2.007s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13d275d0) execute-information ( 2.007s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13d275d0) execute-update-time ( 2.007s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13d275d0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.007s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13d275d0) execute-update-extent ( 2.007s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x13d275d0) execute-data ( 2.008s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14335060) execute-data-object ( 2.008s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14335060) execute-information ( 2.008s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14335060) execute-update-time ( 2.008s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14335060) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.008s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14335060) execute-update-extent ( 2.008s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14335060) execute-data ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1402e480) execute-data-object ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1402e480) execute-information ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1402e480) execute-update-time ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1402e480) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1402e480) execute-update-extent ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x1402e480) execute-data ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x143fbcd0) execute-data-object ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x143fbcd0) execute-information ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x143fbcd0) execute-update-time ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x143fbcd0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x143fbcd0) execute-update-extent ( 2.011s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x143fbcd0) execute-data ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14335220) execute-data-object ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14335220) execute-information ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14335220) execute-update-time ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14335220) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14335220) execute-update-extent ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14335220) execute-data ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x144c2970) execute-data-object ( 2.013s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x144c2970) execute-information ( 2.014s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x144c2970) execute-update-time ( 2.014s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x144c2970) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.014s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x144c2970) execute-update-extent ( 2.014s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x144c2970) execute-data ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x143fbe90) execute-data-object ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x143fbe90) execute-information ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x143fbe90) execute-update-time ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x143fbe90) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x143fbe90) execute-update-extent ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x143fbe90) execute-data ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14589870) execute-data-object ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14589870) execute-information ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14589870) execute-update-time ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14589870) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14589870) execute-update-extent ( 2.017s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14589870) execute-data ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x144c2b30) execute-data-object ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x144c2b30) execute-information ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x144c2b30) execute-update-time ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x144c2b30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x144c2b30) execute-update-extent ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x144c2b30) execute-data ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14650130) execute-data-object ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14650130) execute-information ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14650130) execute-update-time ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14650130) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14650130) execute-update-extent ( 2.032s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkJPEGReader (0x14650130) execute-data ( 2.046s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14589a30) execute-data-object ( 2.046s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14589a30) execute-information ( 2.046s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14589a30) execute-update-time ( 2.046s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14589a30) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.046s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14589a30) execute-update-extent ( 2.046s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkOpenGLTexture (0x14589a30) execute-data ( 2.051s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 2.052s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 2.052s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:201 9| . update-information-panel (nullptr) ( 2.052s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 2.052s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 2.052s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:201 9| . update-information-panel (nullptr) ( 2.052s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:201 9| . update-information-panel (nullptr) ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:201 9| . update-information-panel (nullptr) ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 2.053s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:201 9| . update-information-panel (nullptr) ( 2.383s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.393s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.393s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.393s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.393s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.393s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:65 9| . OSPRay backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.403s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.403s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.403s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.403s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.403s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.403s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.403s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.403s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.403s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.403s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.413s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:305 9| . created a `vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (0x150a6850)` as a new render window for view vtkPVView (0x15812160) ( 2.413s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.414s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.414s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.414s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.414s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkConeSource (0x151c23f0) execute-data-object ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkConeSource (0x151c23f0) execute-information ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkConeSource (0x151c23f0) execute-update-time ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkConeSource (0x151c23f0) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkConeSource (0x151c23f0) execute-update-extent ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkConeSource (0x151c23f0) execute-data ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkLineSource (0x151c1090) execute-data-object ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkLineSource (0x151c1090) execute-information ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . vtkLineSource (0x151c1090) execute-update-time ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . vtkLineSource (0x151c1090) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . vtkLineSource (0x151c1090) execute-update-extent ( 2.414s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . vtkLineSource (0x151c1090) execute-data ( 2.430s) [paraview ] pqQVTKWidget.cxx:84 9| . Using native-capable context. ( 2.433s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:854 9| . { creating widgets for `RenderView1` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ViewTime` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ViewTime` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CacheKey` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CacheKey` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseCache` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseCache` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ViewPosition` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:483 9| . . . skip since internal. ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ViewPosition` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ViewSize` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ViewSize` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Representations` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1099 9| . . . skip since could not determine widget type. ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Representations` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `PPI` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `PPI` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ShowAnnotation` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ShowAnnotation` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `AnnotationColor` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `AnnotationColor` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `InteractionMode` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `InteractionMode` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StillRenderImageReductionFactor` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StillRenderImageReductionFactor` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CollectGeometryThreshold` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CollectGeometryThreshold` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ImageReductionFactor` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ImageReductionFactor` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `SuppressRendering` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `SuppressRendering` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `RemoteRenderThreshold` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `RemoteRenderThreshold` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `LODThreshold` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `LODThreshold` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `LODResolution` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `LODResolution` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseOutlineForLODRendering` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseOutlineForLODRendering` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CompressorConfig` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CompressorConfig` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `AxesGrid` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqProxyEditorPropertyWidget` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `AxesGrid` ( 2.434s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CenterAxesVisibility` ( 2.434s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CenterAxesVisibility` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OrientationAxesVisibility` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Orientation Axes` ( 2.435s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `OrientationAxesVisibility` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OrientationAxesInteractivity` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Orientation Axes` ( 2.435s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `OrientationAxesInteractivity` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OrientationAxesLabelColor` ( 2.435s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Orientation Axes` ( 2.436s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqColorSelectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.437s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.001 s: create property widget for `OrientationAxesLabelColor` ( 2.437s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OrientationAxesOutlineColor` ( 2.437s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Orientation Axes` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqColorSelectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.001 s: create property widget for `OrientationAxesOutlineColor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CenterOfRotation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CenterOfRotation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `RotationFactor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `RotationFactor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `NonInteractiveRenderDelay` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `NonInteractiveRenderDelay` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EnableRenderOnInteraction` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EnableRenderOnInteraction` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Camera3DManipulators` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Camera3DManipulators` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Camera2DManipulators` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Camera2DManipulators` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Camera2DMouseWheelMotionFactor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Camera2DMouseWheelMotionFactor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Camera3DMouseWheelMotionFactor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Camera3DMouseWheelMotionFactor` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseLight` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseLight` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `KeyLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `KeyLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `KeyLightIntensity` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `KeyLightIntensity` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `KeyLightElevation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `KeyLightElevation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `KeyLightAzimuth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `KeyLightAzimuth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FillLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FillLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FillLightK:F Ratio` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FillLightK:F Ratio` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FillLightElevation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FillLightElevation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FillLightAzimuth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FillLightAzimuth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BackLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackLightK:B Ratio` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BackLightK:B Ratio` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackLightElevation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BackLightElevation` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackLightAzimuth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BackLightAzimuth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `HeadLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `HeadLightWarmth` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `HeadLightK:H Ratio` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `HeadLightK:H Ratio` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MaintainLuminance` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Lights` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MaintainLuminance` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `HiddenLineRemoval` ( 2.438s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `HiddenLineRemoval` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `DepthPeeling` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `DepthPeeling` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `DepthPeelingForVolumes` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `DepthPeelingForVolumes` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MaximumNumberOfPeels` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MaximumNumberOfPeels` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseFXAA` ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.438s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseFXAA` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FXAARelativeContrastThreshold` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FXAARelativeContrastThreshold` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FXAAHardContrastThreshold` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FXAAHardContrastThreshold` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FXAASubpixelBlendLimit` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FXAASubpixelBlendLimit` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FXAASubpixelContrastThreshold` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FXAASubpixelContrastThreshold` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FXAAUseHighQualityEndpoints` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FXAAUseHighQualityEndpoints` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `FXAAEndpointSearchIterations` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `FXAAEndpointSearchIterations` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseToneMapping` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Render Passes` ( 2.439s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseToneMapping` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Exposure` ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Render Passes` ( 2.439s) [paraview ]pqDoubleVectorPropertyW:178 9| . . . use `pqDoubleRangeWidget` since property has range with min and max ( 2.439s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqDoubleVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.439s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.439s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.439s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.439s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.001 s: create property widget for `Exposure` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseSSAO` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Render Passes` ( 2.440s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseSSAO` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ToneMappingType` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ToneMappingType` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Contrast` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Contrast` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Shoulder` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Shoulder` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MidIn` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MidIn` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MidOut` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MidOut` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `HdrMax` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `HdrMax` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseACES` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseACES` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `GenericFilmicPresets` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `GenericFilmicPresets` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseSSAODefaultPresets` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseSSAODefaultPresets` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Radius` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Radius` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Bias` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Bias` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `KernelSize` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `KernelSize` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Blur` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Blur` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StereoCapableWindow` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:483 9| . . . skip since internal. ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StereoCapableWindow` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StereoRender` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StereoRender` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StereoType` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Stereo` ( 2.440s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:158 9| . . . use a combo-box for a enumerated list. ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.440s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqShowWidgetDecorator` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StereoType` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ServerStereoType` ( 2.440s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Stereo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:158 9| . . . use a combo-box for a enumerated list. ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.441s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqShowWidgetDecorator` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ServerStereoType` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MultiSamples` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MultiSamples` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `AlphaBitPlanes` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `AlphaBitPlanes` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StencilCapable` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StencilCapable` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `HiddenRepresentations` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:483 9| . . . skip since internal. ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `HiddenRepresentations` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `HiddenProps` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:483 9| . . . skip since internal. ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `HiddenProps` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraPositionInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraPositionInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraPosition` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraPosition` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraFocalPointInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraFocalPointInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraFocalPoint` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraFocalPoint` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraViewUpInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraViewUpInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraViewUp` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraViewUp` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraViewAngle` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraViewAngle` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraFocalDiskInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraFocalDiskInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraFocalDisk` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraFocalDisk` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraFocalDistanceInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraFocalDistanceInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraFocalDistance` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraFocalDistance` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraParallelScale` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraParallelScale` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraParallelScaleInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraParallelScaleInfo` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EyeAngle` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EyeAngle` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EyeTransformMatrix` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:483 9| . . . skip since internal. ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EyeTransformMatrix` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ModelTransformMatrix` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:483 9| . . . skip since internal. ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ModelTransformMatrix` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CameraParallelProjection` ( 2.441s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CameraParallelProjection` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Background` ( 2.441s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.444s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1039 9| . . . created group widget `pqBackgroundEditorWidget` ( 2.444s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.003 s: create property widget for `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Background2` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Background2` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseGradientBackground` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseGradientBackground` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseTexturedBackground` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseTexturedBackground` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseSkyboxBackground` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseSkyboxBackground` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseEnvironmentLighting` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseEnvironmentLighting` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackgroundTexture` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Background` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BackgroundTexture` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CaptureZBuffer` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CaptureZBuffer` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MaxClipBounds` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MaxClipBounds` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `CaptureValuesFloat` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CaptureValuesFloat` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `LockBounds` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `LockBounds` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BeginValueCapture` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BeginValueCapture` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `DrawCells` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `DrawCells` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ArrayNameToDraw` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ArrayNameToDraw` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ArrayNumberToDraw` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ArrayNumberToDraw` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ValueRenderingMode` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ValueRenderingMode` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ValueRenderingModeGet` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ValueRenderingModeGet` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ArrayComponentToDraw` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ArrayComponentToDraw` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `ScalarRange` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `ScalarRange` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EndValueCapture` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EndValueCapture` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StartCaptureLuminance` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StartCaptureLuminance` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `StopCaptureLuminance` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Cinema Export` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:521 9| . . . skip since group visibility is set to `never` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `StopCaptureLuminance` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EnableOSPRay` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.445s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.445s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EnableOSPRay` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OSPRayRendererType` ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.445s) [paraview ]pqStringVectorPropertyW:342 9| . . . use `QComboBox`. ( 2.445s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqStringVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.445s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.445s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `OSPRayRendererType` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Shadows` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Shadows` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `AmbientSamples` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:243 9| . . . use 1 `pqLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `AmbientSamples` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `SamplesPerPixel` ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.446s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:243 9| . . . use 1 `pqLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.446s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `SamplesPerPixel` ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `MaxFrames` ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:243 9| . . . use 1 `pqLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `MaxFrames` ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `RouletteDepth` ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:243 9| . . . use 1 `pqLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.447s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.447s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `RouletteDepth` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `VolumeAnisotropy` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqDoubleVectorPropertyW:178 9| . . . use `pqDoubleRangeWidget` since property has range with min and max ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqDoubleVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `VolumeAnisotropy` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `Denoise` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:102 9| . . . use checkbox for boolean property. ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `Denoise` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `LightScale` ( 2.448s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.448s) [paraview ]pqDoubleVectorPropertyW:254 9| . . . use 1 `pqDoubleLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqDoubleVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `LightScale` ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OSPRayTemporalCacheSize` ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:243 9| . . . use 1 `pqLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `OSPRayTemporalCacheSize` ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackgroundMode` ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqIntVectorPropertyWidg:158 9| . . . use a combo-box for a enumerated list. ( 2.449s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqIntVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.449s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `BackgroundMode` ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackgroundNorth` ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.450s) [paraview ]pqDoubleVectorPropertyW:254 9| . . . use 3 `pqDoubleLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqDoubleVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.450s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.450s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.450s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.450s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.001 s: create property widget for `BackgroundNorth` ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `BackgroundEast` ( 2.450s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Ray Traced Rendering` ( 2.450s) [paraview ]pqDoubleVectorPropertyW:254 9| . . . use 3 `pqDoubleLineEdit` instance(s). ( 2.451s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . . created `pqDoubleVectorPropertyWidget` ( 2.451s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.451s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.451s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.451s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.451s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.001 s: create property widget for `BackgroundEast` ( 2.451s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EnvironmentalBG` ( 2.451s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Path Traced Environment` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1039 9| . . . created group widget `pqBackgroundEditorWidget` ( 2.454s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqOSPRayHidingDecorator` ( 2.454s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqGenericPropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.454s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqEnableWidgetDecorator` ( 2.454s) [paraview ]pqPropertyWidgetDecorat:84 9| . . . created decorator `pqCompositePropertyWidgetDecorator` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.003 s: create property widget for `EnvironmentalBG` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EnvironmentalBG2` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Path Traced Environment` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EnvironmentalBG2` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseGradientEnvironmentalBG` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Path Traced Environment` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseGradientEnvironmentalBG` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `UseTexturedEnvironmentalBG` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Path Traced Environment` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `UseTexturedEnvironmentalBG` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `EnvironmentalBGTexture` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:994 9| . . . part of property-group with label `Path Traced Environment` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1023 9| . . . skip since already handled in custom group widget ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `EnvironmentalBGTexture` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `AdditionalLights` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1099 9| . . . skip since could not determine widget type. ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `AdditionalLights` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . { create property widget for `OSPRayMaterialLibrary` ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 2.454s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `OSPRayMaterialLibrary` ( 2.455s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:854 9| . } 0.022 s: creating widgets for `RenderView1` ( 2.470s) [paraview ] pqMultiViewWidget.cxx:204 9| . { preview (0, 0) ( 2.470s) [paraview ] pqMultiViewWidget.cxx:204 9| . } 0.000 s: preview (0, 0) ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.474s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.474s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.474s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.474s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.474s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.474s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.474s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.475s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.484s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.484s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.484s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.484s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.484s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.484s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.485s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.485s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.485s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.485s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.485s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.485s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.485s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.485s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.485s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.488s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.488s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.488s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.488s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.488s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.488s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.488s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.495s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.495s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.495s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.495s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.495s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.495s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.495s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.498s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.498s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.498s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.498s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:38 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend enabled, attempting to initialize backend ( 2.498s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:42 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, retrying initialization ( 2.498s) [paraview ] VisRTXBackend.cxx:42 WARN| . VisRTX Error: Unsupported device ( 2.498s) [paraview ] RTWrapper.cxx:46 9| . VisRTX/OptiX backend initialization failed, terminating initialization ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . { looking for 'usage_logger.json' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/.././usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file //./usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file //lib/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file //lib64/usage_logger.json -- failed! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for 'usage_logger.json' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:123 9| } 2.425 s: creating main window `ParaViewMainWindow` ( 2.537s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:128 9| { load `paraview` plugin conf ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:386 9| . Loading plugin configuration xml `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/paraview.plugins.xml`. ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `AcceleratedAlgorithms` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'AcceleratedAlgorithms' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/AcceleratedAlgorithms/ -- success! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'AcceleratedAlgorithms' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/AcceleratedAlgorithms/` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `AnalyzeNIfTIReaderWriter` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'AnalyzeNIfTIReaderWriter' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/AnalyzeNIfTIReaderWriter/ -- success! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'AnalyzeNIfTIReaderWriter' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/AnalyzeNIfTIReaderWriter/` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `ArrowGlyph` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'ArrowGlyph' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ArrowGlyph/ -- success! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'ArrowGlyph' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ArrowGlyph/` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `BagPlotViewsAndFilters` ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'BagPlotViewsAndFilters' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/BagPlotViewsAndFilters/ -- success! ( 2.537s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'BagPlotViewsAndFilters' ( 2.537s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/BagPlotViewsAndFilters/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `CDIReader` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'CDIReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/CDIReader/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'CDIReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/CDIReader/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `Datamine` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'Datamine' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/Datamine/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'Datamine' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/Datamine/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `DigitalRockPhysics` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'DigitalRockPhysics' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/DigitalRockPhysics/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'DigitalRockPhysics' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/DigitalRockPhysics/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `EmbossingRepresentations` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'EmbossingRepresentations' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/EmbossingRepresentations/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'EmbossingRepresentations' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/EmbossingRepresentations/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `ExplicitStructuredGrid` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'ExplicitStructuredGrid' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ExplicitStructuredGrid/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'ExplicitStructuredGrid' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ExplicitStructuredGrid/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `FlipBookPlugin` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'FlipBookPlugin' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/FlipBookPlugin/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'FlipBookPlugin' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/FlipBookPlugin/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `GMVReader` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'GMVReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/GMVReader/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'GMVReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/GMVReader/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `GenericIOReader` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'GenericIOReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/GenericIOReader/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'GenericIOReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/GenericIOReader/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `GeodesicMeasurement` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'GeodesicMeasurement' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/GeodesicMeasurement/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'GeodesicMeasurement' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/GeodesicMeasurement/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `HyperTreeGridADR` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'HyperTreeGridADR' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/HyperTreeGridADR/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'HyperTreeGridADR' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/HyperTreeGridADR/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `IOSSReader` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'IOSSReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/IOSSReader/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'IOSSReader' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/IOSSReader/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `LagrangianParticleTracker` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'LagrangianParticleTracker' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/LagrangianParticleTracker/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'LagrangianParticleTracker' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/LagrangianParticleTracker/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `LookingGlass` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'LookingGlass' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/LookingGlass/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'LookingGlass' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/LookingGlass/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `Moments` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'Moments' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/Moments/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'Moments' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/Moments/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `MooseXfemClip` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'MooseXfemClip' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/MooseXfemClip/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'MooseXfemClip' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/MooseXfemClip/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `NonOrthogonalSource` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'NonOrthogonalSource' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/NonOrthogonalSource/ -- success! ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'NonOrthogonalSource' ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/NonOrthogonalSource/` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `PanoramicProjectionView` ( 2.538s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'PanoramicProjectionView' ( 2.538s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/PanoramicProjectionView/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'PanoramicProjectionView' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/PanoramicProjectionView/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `ParFlow` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'ParFlow' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ParFlow/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'ParFlow' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ParFlow/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `SLACTools` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'SLACTools' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/SLACTools/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'SLACTools' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/SLACTools/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `SaveStateAndScreenshot` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'SaveStateAndScreenshot' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/SaveStateAndScreenshot/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'SaveStateAndScreenshot' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/SaveStateAndScreenshot/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `StreamLinesRepresentation` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'StreamLinesRepresentation' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/StreamLinesRepresentation/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'StreamLinesRepresentation' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/StreamLinesRepresentation/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `StreamingParticles` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'StreamingParticles' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/StreamingParticles/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'StreamingParticles' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/StreamingParticles/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `SurfaceLIC` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'SurfaceLIC' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/SurfaceLIC/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'SurfaceLIC' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/SurfaceLIC/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `ThickenLayeredCells` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'ThickenLayeredCells' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ThickenLayeredCells/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'ThickenLayeredCells' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/ThickenLayeredCells/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `VRPlugin` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'VRPlugin' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/VRPlugin/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'VRPlugin' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/VRPlugin/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `VTKmFilters` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'VTKmFilters' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/VTKmFilters/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'VTKmFilters' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/VTKmFilters/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `pvNVIDIAIndeX` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'pvNVIDIAIndeX' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/pvNVIDIAIndeX/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'pvNVIDIAIndeX' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/pvNVIDIAIndeX/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:442 9| . Trying to locate plugin with name `VortexFinder` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . { looking for plugin 'VortexFinder' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . { looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/VortexFinder/ -- success! ( 2.539s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . . } 0.000 s: looking for '' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:109 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for plugin 'VortexFinder' ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginTracker.cxx:492 9| . found `/home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/paraview-5.9/plugins/VortexFinder/` ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| . appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:128 9| } 0.003 s: load `paraview` plugin conf ( 2.539s) [paraview ] vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx:276 9| appDir: /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/plugins ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:135 9| { load required plugins: `` ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:135 9| } 0.000 s: load required plugins: `` ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:153 9| { load optional plugins: `` ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:153 9| } 0.000 s: load optional plugins: `` ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:171 9| { load plugins from settings ( 2.539s) [paraview ]pqparaviewInitializer.c:171 9| } 0.000 s: load plugins from settings ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16642e60)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16642e60)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16644c20)[filters, PolyDataNormals]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16644c20)[filters, PolyDataNormals]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16649880)[filters, CellCenters]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16649880)[filters, CellCenters]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.642s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16649880)[filters, CellCenters]: gather information vtkPVDataInformation ( 2.643s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16649880)[filters, CellCenters]: gather information vtkPVDataInformation ( 2.643s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16649880)[filters, CellCenters]: gather information vtkPVDataAssemblyInformation ( 2.643s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x16649880)[filters, CellCenters]: gather information vtkPVDataAssemblyInformation ( 2.647s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x166a4170)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.647s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x166a4170)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 2.647s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x166a4170)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVDataInformation ( 2.647s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x166a4170)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVDataInformation ( 2.647s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x166a4170)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVDataAssemblyInformation ( 2.647s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x166a4170)[filters, DataSetSurfaceFilter]: gather information vtkPVDataAssemblyInformation ( 2.728s) [paraview ] pqApplicationCore.cxx:738 9| { clientEnvironmentDone ( 2.728s) [paraview ] pqApplicationCore.cxx:738 9| } 0.000 s: clientEnvironmentDone ( 2.827s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:215 9| resize(194, 168) ( 2.827s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:219 9| resize(194, 168), dpr=1.000000, scaledSize(194, 168) ( 2.827s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| { paint ( 2.827s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:250 9| . { requesting render ( 2.827s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1264 9| . . { RenderView1: Update ( 2.827s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:448 9| . . . { RenderView1: update view ( 2.827s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:448 9| . . . } 0.000 s: RenderView1: update view ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:772 9| . . . { all-reduce (op=2) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:841 9| . . . . source=0, result=0 ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:772 9| . . . } 0.000 s: all-reduce (op=2) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:664 9| . . . { all-reduce-bounds ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:763 9| . . . . source=(invalid), result=(invalid) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:664 9| . . . } 0.000 s: all-reduce-bounds ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1264 9| . . } 0.000 s: RenderView1: Update ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1262 9| . . PostUpdateData (RenderView1/AxesGrid/GridAxes3DActor) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1262 9| . . PostUpdateData (vtkSMMaterialLibraryProxy (0x1b80100)[materials, MaterialLibrary]) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1262 9| . . PostUpdateData (RenderView1) ( 2.828s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:202 9| . . { check for delivery (low_res=false) ( 2.828s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:224 9| . . . none ( 2.828s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:202 9| . . } 0.000 s: check for delivery (low_res=false) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1398 9| . . { RenderView1: StillRender ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1438 9| . . . { Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false) ( 2.828s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1515 9| . . . . use_lod=0, use_distributed_rendering=0, use_ordered_compositing=0 ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15176b50) execute-data-object ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15176b50) execute-information ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15176b50) execute-update-time ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15176b50) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15176b50) execute-update-extent ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15176b50) execute-data ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15178110) execute-data-object ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15178110) execute-information ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15178110) execute-update-time ( 2.832s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15178110) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15178110) execute-update-extent ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15178110) execute-data ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15179410) execute-data-object ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15179410) execute-information ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15179410) execute-update-time ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15179410) execute-time-dependent-information ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15179410) execute-update-extent ( 2.833s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . . . . vtkVectorText (0x15179410) execute-data ( 2.845s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:281 9| . . . . frame using_double_buffer=1, swap_buffers=1 ( 2.845s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1438 9| . . . } 0.017 s: Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false) ( 2.845s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1398 9| . . } 0.017 s: RenderView1: StillRender ( 2.845s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:250 9| . } 0.018 s: requesting render ( 2.845s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| } 0.018 s: paint ( 2.846s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:215 9| resize(844, 533) ( 2.846s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:219 9| resize(844, 533), dpr=1.000000, scaledSize(844, 533) ( 2.846s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1311 9| MarkDirty (RenderView1) ( 2.846s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| { paint ( 2.846s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:250 9| . { requesting render ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1264 9| . . { RenderView1: Update ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:448 9| . . . { RenderView1: update view ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:448 9| . . . } 0.000 s: RenderView1: update view ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:772 9| . . . { all-reduce (op=2) ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:841 9| . . . . source=0, result=0 ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:772 9| . . . } 0.000 s: all-reduce (op=2) ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:664 9| . . . { all-reduce-bounds ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:763 9| . . . . source=(invalid), result=(invalid) ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:664 9| . . . } 0.000 s: all-reduce-bounds ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1264 9| . . } 0.000 s: RenderView1: Update ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1262 9| . . PostUpdateData (RenderView1) ( 2.847s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:202 9| . . { check for delivery (low_res=false) ( 2.847s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:224 9| . . . none ( 2.847s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:202 9| . . } 0.000 s: check for delivery (low_res=false) ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1398 9| . . { RenderView1: StillRender ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1438 9| . . . { Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false) ( 2.847s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1515 9| . . . . use_lod=0, use_distributed_rendering=0, use_ordered_compositing=0 ( 2.850s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:281 9| . . . . frame using_double_buffer=1, swap_buffers=1 ( 2.850s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1438 9| . . . } 0.003 s: Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false) ( 2.850s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1398 9| . . } 0.003 s: RenderView1: StillRender ( 2.850s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:250 9| . } 0.004 s: requesting render ( 2.850s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| } 0.004 s: paint ( 2.850s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1311 9| MarkDirty (RenderView1) ( 2.889s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| { paint ( 2.889s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| } 0.000 s: paint ( 6.112s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.112s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.113s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176151d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.113s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . { looking for 'doc' ( 6.113s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ -- failed! ( 6.113s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:79 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/share/paraview-5.9/doc -- failed! ( 6.113s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:74 9| . . trying file /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../share/paraview-5.9/doc -- success! ( 6.113s) [paraview ]vtkResourceFileLocator.:61 9| . } 0.000 s: looking for 'doc' ( 6.113s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176151d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.114s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.114s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.125s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 6.125s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.821s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.821s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.966s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.966s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.967s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.967s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.967s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.983s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.016 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.984s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.984s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.984s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 7.984s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.549s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.549s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.890s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.890s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.891s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.891s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.891s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.891s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.892s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.892s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.892s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 8.892s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 9.907s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 9.907s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 9.907s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 9.907s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.230s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.231s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.237s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.238s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMProxy (0x176150d0)[misc, FileInformationHelper]: gather information vtkPVFileInformation ( 10.243s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x178299f0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 10.243s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x178299f0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 10.244s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x17a681d0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 10.244s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x17a681d0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVAlgorithmPortsInformation ( 10.244s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:267 9| { vtkSISourceProxy (0x17aadac0)[sources, ensight]: update pipeline information ( 10.245s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-data-object ( 10.245s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-information ( 10.245s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:267 9| } 0.001 s: vtkSISourceProxy (0x17aadac0)[sources, ensight]: update pipeline information ( 10.259s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x17a681d0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVDataInformation ( 10.259s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x17a681d0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVDataInformation ( 10.259s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| { vtkSMSourceProxy (0x17a681d0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVDataAssemblyInformation ( 10.259s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:855 9| } 0.000 s: vtkSMSourceProxy (0x17a681d0)[sources, ensight]: gather information vtkPVDataAssemblyInformation ( 10.305s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| { reset ( 10.305s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| } 0.000 s: reset ( 10.305s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:207 9| { update-information-panel for `` ( 10.305s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . { reset ( 10.305s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . } 0.000 s: reset ( 10.307s) [paraview ]pqProxyInformationWidge:207 9| } 0.001 s: update-information-panel for `` ( 10.307s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:267 9| { update pipeline information ( 10.307s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-data-object ( 10.307s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:267 9| } 0.000 s: update pipeline information ( 10.307s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:854 9| { creating widgets for `` ( 10.307s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . { create property widget for `CaseFileName` ( 10.307s) [paraview ]pqStringVectorPropertyW:161 9| . . use `pqFileChooserWidget`. ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . created `pqStringVectorPropertyWidget` ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CaseFileName` ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . { create property widget for `TimestepValues` ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `TimestepValues` ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . { create property widget for `CellArrayInfo` ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `CellArrayInfo` ( 10.308s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . { create property widget for `CellArrayStatus` ( 10.308s) [paraview ]pqStringVectorPropertyW:318 9| . . use `pqArraySelectionWidget`. ( 10.316s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . created `pqStringVectorPropertyWidget` ( 10.316s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . } 0.008 s: create property widget for `CellArrayStatus` ( 10.316s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . { create property widget for `PointArrayInfo` ( 10.316s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:491 9| . . skip since marked as never show (unless it was explicitly 'chosen'). ( 10.316s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . } 0.000 s: create property widget for `PointArrayInfo` ( 10.316s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . { create property widget for `PointArrayStatus` ( 10.316s) [paraview ]pqStringVectorPropertyW:318 9| . . use `pqArraySelectionWidget`. ( 10.323s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:1215 9| . . created `pqStringVectorPropertyWidget` ( 10.323s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:977 9| . } 0.007 s: create property widget for `PointArrayStatus` ( 10.323s) [paraview ] pqProxyWidget.cxx:854 9| } 0.016 s: creating widgets for `` ( 10.325s) [paraview ] pqPropertiesPanel.cxx:748 9| `Apply` button enabled since `` became uninitialized. ( 10.326s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:267 9| { update pipeline information ( 10.326s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:267 9| } 0.000 s: update pipeline information ( 10.331s) [paraview ]vtkSMAnimationScene.cxx:70 9| { update-all-views for animation ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1264 9| . { RenderView1: Update ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:448 9| . . { RenderView1: update view ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:448 9| . . } 0.000 s: RenderView1: update view ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:772 9| . . { all-reduce (op=2) ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:841 9| . . . source=0, result=0 ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:772 9| . . } 0.000 s: all-reduce (op=2) ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:664 9| . . { all-reduce-bounds ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:763 9| . . . source=(invalid), result=(invalid) ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVView.cxx:664 9| . . } 0.000 s: all-reduce-bounds ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1264 9| . } 0.000 s: RenderView1: Update ( 10.331s) [paraview ] vtkSMProxy.cxx:1262 9| . PostUpdateData (RenderView1) ( 10.331s) [paraview ]vtkSMAnimationScene.cxx:88 9| . { reset transfer functions ( 10.331s) [paraview ]vtkSMAnimationScene.cxx:88 9| . } 0.000 s: reset transfer functions ( 10.331s) [paraview ]vtkSMAnimationScene.cxx:70 9| } 0.000 s: update-all-views for animation ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqMultiBlockInspectorWi:1053 9| { resetNow ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqMultiBlockInspectorWi:703 9| . { resetModel ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . . { reset ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqCompositeDataInformat:728 9| . . } 0.000 s: reset ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqMultiBlockInspectorWi:703 9| . } 0.000 s: resetModel ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqMultiBlockInspectorWi:762 9| . { restoreCachedValues ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqMultiBlockInspectorWi:762 9| . } 0.000 s: restoreCachedValues ( 10.340s) [paraview ]pqMultiBlockInspectorWi:1053 9| } 0.000 s: resetNow ( 10.361s) [paraview ]vtkSMAnimationScene.cxx:96 9| { still-render-all-views for animation ( 10.361s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:202 9| . { check for delivery (low_res=false) ( 10.361s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:224 9| . . none ( 10.361s) [paraview ]vtkPVDataDeliveryManage:202 9| . } 0.000 s: check for delivery (low_res=false) ( 10.361s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1398 9| . { RenderView1: StillRender ( 10.361s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1438 9| . . { Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false) ( 10.361s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1515 9| . . . use_lod=0, use_distributed_rendering=0, use_ordered_compositing=0 ( 10.363s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:281 9| . . . frame using_double_buffer=1, swap_buffers=1 ( 10.363s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1438 9| . . } 0.001 s: Render(interactive=false, skip_rendering=false) ( 10.363s) [paraview ] vtkPVRenderView.cxx:1398 9| . } 0.001 s: RenderView1: StillRender ( 10.363s) [paraview ]vtkSMAnimationScene.cxx:96 9| } 0.002 s: still-render-all-views for animation ( 10.380s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| { paint ( 10.380s) [paraview ]QVTKRenderWindowAdapter:245 9| } 0.000 s: paint ( 15.472s) [paraview ] pqPropertiesPanel.cxx:841 9| { apply ( 15.472s) [paraview ] pqPropertiesPanel.cxx:139 9| . applying changes to `` ( 15.473s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:229 9| . { update pipeline(0, 0.123000, true) ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . . vtkPVPostFilter (0x7f2428005390) execute-data-object ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . . vtkPVPostFilter (0x7f2428005390) execute-information ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . . vtkPVPostFilter (0x7f2428005390) execute-update-time ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-update-time ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-time-dependent-information ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . . vtkPVPostFilter (0x7f2428005390) execute-time-dependent-information ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . . vtkPVPostFilter (0x7f2428005390) execute-update-extent ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-update-extent ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . . vtkPGenericEnSightReader (0x7f2428005580) execute-data ( 15.473s) [paraview ] vtkSISourceProxy.cxx:306 9| . . { execute ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:175 9| . . . vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x17809430) execute-data-object ( 15.473s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:223 9| . . . vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x17809430) execute-information ( 15.474s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:164 9| . . . vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x17809430) execute-update-time ( 15.474s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:206 9| . . . vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x17809430) execute-time-dependent-information ( 15.474s) [paraview ]vtkStreamingDemandDrive:318 9| . . . vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x17809430) execute-update-extent ( 15.474s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:260 9| . . . vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x17809430) execute-data Stack trace: 70 0x407b2a /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/paraview-real() [0x407b2a] 69 0x7f246847534a __libc_start_main + 234 68 0x40778a /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/paraview-real() [0x40778a] 67 0x7f24658fc120 QCoreApplication::exec() + 128 66 0x7f24658f362a QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) + 298 65 0x7f2430c3e003 /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/plugins/platforms/../../lib/ [0x7f2430c3e003] 64 0x7f2465f860db QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags) + 187 63 0x7f2465faab35 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent*) + 261 62 0x7f2465fa98ad QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent*) + 1837 61 0x7f24658f4dd8 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 280 60 0x7f24678c7260 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 704 59 0x7f24678c018c QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 156 58 0x7f246791a8fb /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ [0x7f246791a8fb] 57 0x7f2467917d86 /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ [0x7f2467917d86] 56 0x7f24678c67cc QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer&, bool, bool) + 460 55 0x7f24658f4dd8 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 280 54 0x7f24678c7dc8 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 3624 53 0x7f24678c018c QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 156 52 0x7f24678fdc28 QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 424 51 0x7f24679a3945 QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 213 50 0x7f24679a377a /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ [0x7f24679a377a] 49 0x7f24679a245a /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ [0x7f24679a245a] 48 0x7f24679a2272 QAbstractButton::clicked(bool) + 50 47 0x7f24659231ea QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 1850 46 0x7f246718401f pqPropertiesPanel::apply() + 687 45 0x7f24670393c2 pqPropertiesPanel::applied(pqProxy*) + 50 44 0x7f24659231ea QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 1850 43 0x7f246807bc51 pqApplyBehavior::applied(pqPropertiesPanel*, pqProxy*) + 193 42 0x7f246807cdce pqApplyBehavior::showData(pqPipelineSource*, pqView*) + 414 41 0x7f245aba6128 vtkSMParaViewPipelineControllerWithRendering::ShowInPreferredView(vtkSMSourceProxy*, int, vtkSMViewProxy*) + 168 40 0x7f245aba3ec4 vtkSMParaViewPipelineControllerWithRendering::UpdatePipelineBeforeDisplay(vtkSMSourceProxy*, int, vtkSMViewProxy*) + 212 39 0x7f2464cf9dbc vtkSMSourceProxy::UpdatePipeline(double) + 140 38 0x7f2464c78e48 vtkSMOutputPort::UpdatePipelineInternal(double, bool) + 184 37 0x7f2464bc72e5 vtkPVSessionBase::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 53 36 0x7f2464bc82bb vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 59 35 0x7f2464bc8482 vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStreamInternal(vtkClientServerStream const&, bool) + 242 34 0x7f2463a7bddd vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessStream(vtkClientServerStream const&) + 29 33 0x7f2463a7bb3e vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessOneMessage(vtkClientServerStream const&, int) + 1294 32 0x7f2463a7b40d vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessCommandInvoke(vtkClientServerStream const&, int) + 1229 31 0x7f2463a7ada9 vtkClientServerInterpreter::CallCommandFunction(char const*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&) + 345 30 0x7f245ba4227b vtkSISourceProxyCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter*, vtkObjectBase*, char const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&, void*) + 971 29 0x7f2464c04484 vtkSISourceProxy::UpdatePipeline(int, double, bool) + 468 28 0x7f24607bddaa vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::Update(int, vtkInformationVector*) + 282 27 0x7f246077dfa6 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::UpdateData(int) + 134 26 0x7f24607bc9e9 vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 953 25 0x7f246077ef8e vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 222 24 0x7f24607786c1 vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ForwardUpstream(vtkInformation*) + 337 23 0x7f24607bc9e9 vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 953 22 0x7f246077efe6 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 310 21 0x7f24607797d1 vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 113 20 0x7f246077c967 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 55 19 0x7f246078273e vtkExecutive::CallAlgorithm(vtkInformation*, int, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 62 18 0x7f2446b5bfc6 vtkGenericEnSightReader::RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 230 17 0x7f24607bddaa vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::Update(int, vtkInformationVector*) + 282 16 0x7f246077dfa6 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::UpdateData(int) + 134 15 0x7f24607bc9e9 vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 953 14 0x7f246077efe6 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ProcessRequest(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 310 13 0x7f24607797d1 vtkCompositeDataPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 113 12 0x7f246077c967 vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::ExecuteData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 55 11 0x7f246078273e vtkExecutive::CallAlgorithm(vtkInformation*, int, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 62 10 0x7f2446b52944 vtkEnSightReader::RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) + 356 9 0x7f2446b3afe8 vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader::ReadGeometryFile(char const*, int, vtkMultiBlockDataSet*) + 488 8 0x7f2446b3754b vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader::CreateUnstructuredGridOutput(int, char*, char const*, vtkMultiBlockDataSet*) + 4667 7 0x7f2465a27b62 /home/as01449/software/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/../lib/ [0x7f2465a27b62] 6 0x7f245de14f74 /home/as01449/software/gcc/gcc_92/lib64/ [0x7f245de14f74] 5 0x7f245de14d41 /home/as01449/software/gcc/gcc_92/lib64/ [0x7f245de14d41] 4 0x7f245de14cf6 /home/as01449/software/gcc/gcc_92/lib64/ [0x7f245de14cf6] 3 0x7f245de092d3 /home/as01449/software/gcc/gcc_92/lib64/ [0x7f245de092d3] 2 0x7f246848bb01 abort + 337 1 0x7f246848a520 gsignal + 272 0 0x7f246848a5a0 /lib64/ [0x7f246848a5a0] ( 21.478s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGABRT