arguments: C:\\Program\ Files\\ParaView\ 5.9.1-Windows-Python3.8-msvc2017-64bit\\bin\\paraview.exe --log=C:\\TEMP\\log.txt Current dir: C:\Users\Shawn Walker File verbosity level: 0 ( uptime ) [ thread name/id ] file:line v| ( 35.177s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(221) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.183s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(178) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.184s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(178) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.185s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(91) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.186s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(144) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.186s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(224) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.187s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(203) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.188s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(234) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.189s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(131) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.190s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(224) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.190s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(88) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.191s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(225) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.192s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(131) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.192s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(100) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.193s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(225) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.194s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(131) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.195s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(224) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.195s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type vtkHigherOrderTriangle(61) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.196s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(225) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.197s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(131) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.197s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type vtkHigherOrderPolygon(63) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.198s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(225) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.199s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(131) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.200s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(192) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.201s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(225) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.201s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(131) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.202s) [paraview ]vtkUnstructuredGridGeom:1204 ERR| vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFilter (00000283CF6CF9A0): Cell type UnknownClass(224) is not a 3D cell. ( 35.203s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:760 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees are direction dependents, and should be set in the input file. ( 35.203s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:786 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees might be direction dependents, and should be set before GetOrder is called. numPts is 3 and Order[3] 1 ( 35.204s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:786 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees might be direction dependents, and should be set before GetOrder is called. numPts is 3 and Order[3] 1 ( 35.204s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:786 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees might be direction dependents, and should be set before GetOrder is called. numPts is 3 and Order[3] 1 ( 35.204s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:786 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees might be direction dependents, and should be set before GetOrder is called. numPts is 3 and Order[3] 1 ( 35.204s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:786 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees might be direction dependents, and should be set before GetOrder is called. numPts is 3 and Order[3] 1 ( 35.205s) [paraview ]vtkHigherOrderHexahedro:786 ERR| vtkBezierHexahedron (00000283CEE25700): The degrees might be direction dependents, and should be set before GetOrder is called. numPts is 3 and Order[3] 1