The Image reader reads raw, regular, rectilinear grid (image/volume) data from a file. Because no metadata is provided, the user must specify information about the size, spacing, dimensionality, etc. about the dataset. The value of this property indicates the scalar type of the pixels/voxels in the file(s): short, int, float ... This property indicates the byte order of the binary file(s). The coordinate contained in this property specifies the position of the point with index (0,0,0). This property specifies the size of a voxel in each dimension. This property specifies the number of components the scalar value at each pixel or voxel has (e.g., RGB - 3 scalar components). This property contains a text string listing a name to assign to the point-centered data array read. This property determines whether the data originates in the lower left corner (on) or the upper left corner (off). Most scientific data is written with a right-handed axes that originates in the lower left corner. However, several 2D image file formats write the image from the upper left corner. The PNG reader reads PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .png. This property specifies the file name for the PNG reader. Set the spacing to use for the image output by this reader. The JPEG reader reads JPEG files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .jpg or .jpeg. This property specifies the file name for the JPEG reader. Set the spacing to use for the image output by this reader. The MRC reader reads MRC (Medical Research Council) image files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .mrc but .st, .rec and .ali extensions are known to be commonly used as well. The name of the file to load. The TIFF reader reads TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .tiff. This property specifies the file name for the TIFF reader. To manually specify a custom spacing using **CustomDataSpacing**, set this property to 1 (checked). Set the spacing to use for the image output by this reader. This is used only when **UseCustomDataSpacing** is set to true. The Meta Image Reader reads binary UNC meta image data, and produces uniform rectilinear (image/volume) data. The default file extensions are .mhd and .mha. This property specifies the file name for the Meta Image reader. The HDR reader reads HDR (High Dynamic Range) files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .hdr. This property specifies the file name for the HDR reader. Set the spacing to use for the image output by this reader. The raw series reader reads raw files. The output is a time sequence of uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .raw. The list of files to be read by the reader. If more than one file is specified, the reader will switch to file series mode in which it will pretend that it can support time and provide one file per time step. Available timestep values. When set, the reader will read the set of files as an image stack, rather than a temporal file series. This property indicates whether the file(s) in this dataset contain slices (2D) or volumes (3D). This property specifies the minimum and maximum index values of the data in each dimension (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax). Supports reading OME-TIFF files. This property specifies the file name for the OME-TIFF reader. To manually specify a custom spacing using **CustomDataSpacing**, set this property to 1 (checked). Set the spacing to use for the image output by this reader. This is used only when **UseCustomDataSpacing** is set to 1. When checked, data values in the TIFF file will not be mapped to colors using the color map specified in the TIFF, if any. This is useful for files where the color map may be incorrectly specified. Available timestep values. The PNG reader reads PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .png. The list of files to be read by the reader. If more than one file is specified, the reader will switch to file series mode in which it will pretend that it can support time and provide one file per time step. Available timestep values. When set, the reader will read the set of files as an image stack, rather than a temporal file series. The JPEG series reader reads JPEG files. The output is a time sequence of uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .jpg or .jpeg. The list of files to be read by the reader. If more than one file is specified, the reader will switch to file series mode in which it will pretend that it can support time and provide one file per time step. Available timestep values. When set, the reader will read the set of files as an image stack, rather than a temporal file series. The MRC series reader reads MRC files. The output is a time sequence of uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .mrc but .ali, .st and .rec are also recognized. The list of files to be read by the reader. If more than one file is specified, the reader will switch to file series mode in which it will pretend that it can support time and provide one file per time step. Available timestep values. The TIFF series reader reads TIFF files. The output is a time sequence of uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .tif or .tiff. The list of files to be read by the reader. If more than one file is specified, the reader will switch to file series mode in which it will pretend that it can support time and provide one file per time step. Available timestep values. When set, the reader will read the set of files as an image stack, rather than a temporal file series. The TIFF reader reads TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and the output is a uniform rectilinear (image/volume) dataset. The default file extension is .tiff. This property specifies the file name for the TIFF reader. Read a series of meta images. The file extension is .mhd The list of files to be read by the reader. Each file is expected to be in the meta format. The standard extension is .mhd. If more than one file is specified, the reader will switch to file series mode in which it will pretend that it can support time and provide one file per time step. Available timestep values. The DEM reader reads Digital Elevation Model files containing elevation values derived from the U. S. Geologic Survey. The default file extension is .dem. This reader produces uniform rectilinear (image/volume) data output. This property specifies the file name for the DEM (Digital Elevation Map) reader. The Nrrd reader reads raw image data much like the Raw Image Reader except that it will also read metadata information in the Nrrd format. This means that the reader will automatically set information like file dimensions. There are several limitations on what type of nrrd files we can read. This reader only supports nrrd files in raw format. Other encodings like ascii and hex will result in errors. When reading in detached headers, this only supports reading one file that is detached. The name of the file to read (or the meta data file that will point to the actual file). The data volume of interest (VOI). The VOI is a sub-extent of the data that you want loaded. Setting a VOI is useful when reading from a large data set and you are only interested in a small portion of the data. If left containing all 0's, then the reader will load in the entire data set. DICOM is a file format often used in medical imaging. This version of the reader reads a single file (as opposed to a collection of files). The DICOM reader currently only supports uncompressed files. DICOM file to load. This version of the reader only supports loading one file at a time. DICOM is a file format often used in medical imaging. This version of the reader will look at all files in the same directory of the selected file and load them as planes of the same data set. It is typically for 3D medical scanners to store planes as set of files in a directory. A file in the directory of files to be loaded. The DICOM reader will actually load all valid DICOM files in the same directory as this file as part of the same dataset. This is typical of how DICOM files are often stored. This property specifies the file name for the SEP reader. This property specifies the dimension of the output data set. This property specifies the extent mode. An HDR image is a high-bit?ë°ºepth image (normally 32 bits per channel) that contains color and brightness information across a very wide dynamic range.