Yeah you are right about that, but preview glance is running on Node.js I think so how can I restrict a user from apache?
ParaView Glance consists of a set of files served by your web server, e.g. Apache, nginx, etc. When a user visits your website, the web server serves the ParaView Glance files to the user’s browser, and so Glance runs in the browser. There is no node.js instance involved (unless your web server is on node.js). All you need to do is place the URL pointing to your hosted version of ParaView Glance behind some auth mechanism.
If you want auth, I would suggest evaluating what your needs are, e.g. authentication flow, what you need to restrict, user management, etc. If you are using Apache or nginx and don’t need any fancy user management, does Basic Auth suffice? Maybe if you are using a web framework like Django or Ruby on Rails, then you can use their auth/user management. In general, its hard to suggest auth solutions without understanding the use-case.
Many thanks for such an elaborate response.
Here is what I want to do:
- Run multiple instances of paraview glance on different ports (I have done that already)
- I want to assign each port/ url to a different user by giving them a valid set of login credentials
- Making urls inaccessible without correct login details.
Hope that I have cleared my point.
Why do you want to serve the same application that only run on the client side across multiple ports. I’m sorry to say that, but that does not make much sense. This is not ParaViewWeb, there is no server state involve only static files that should not have to change across users.