Again, I am confused. Everything you say seems to be working for me.
Maybe the one thing you are expecting to work but does not is that if you write out cell data to a csv file, you will not get any point coordinates (at the center or any place else in the mesh). This is by design as the csv writer writes out the data that exists on the data set; no more, no less. The coordinates of the cell center are not in the data, so they are not written out.
However, you can easily get the cell centers written to a csv file by creating a cell field that contains the cell centers before writing out the data. Unfortunately, ParaView does not come with a filter to directly compute the cell centers (c.f. Add the cell center coordinates to the cell data), but here is a custom custom filter that will add an Append Cell Centers
filter that will do just that:
AppendCellCenters.cpd (5.2 KB)
To load this, go to Tools
→ Manage Custom Filters...
. Then click the Import
button to load this file. The new filter will appear in the filters list.