Build paraview with python 3.7.3 but ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘vtkmodules.vtkCommonCorePython’

Hi all,

this discussion has helped me indirectly and maybe my case will give you some indication on similar issues… I was updating my build process to ParaView 5.7 on Windows (ouch! a bunch of modifications but hopefully I get to an end now…), and on execution I had this vtkCommonCorePython lib not found, even using pvpython with all PYTHONPATH & PATH well defined.

I ran depends.exe on vtkCommonCorePython.pyd and realized that it was depending on the debug version of VTK DLLs. In fact, when building ParaView, I firstly built the Release, then the Debug and doing so, the site-packages python libs where replaced by debug ones. Rebuilding the Release afterwards fixed all this.

Hope this could help…


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