Complete compilation of Paraview (Readers+OSmesa+Python)

Dear Mathieu,

Thank you so much for your message. I dowloaded the super-build and I am trying to compile it with OSMESA (llvm and mesa are already compiled in my computer). I am using the following flags:

cmake \
-GNinja \
-DPython3_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/python3 \
-DOSMESA_INCLUDE_DIR=${InstallPath}/mesa-21.3.1/include \
-DOSMESA_LIBRARY=${InstallPath}/mesa/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ./paraview-superbuild

However it crashes because python 2 or 3 have not been enabled:

-- Building projects: cxx11, nlohmannjson, python, pybind11, paraview
CMake Error at superbuild/projects/python.cmake:2 (message):
  Python is enabled, but neither Python2 nor Python3 has been enabled.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  superbuild/cmake/SuperbuildMacros.cmake:983 (include)
  superbuild/CMakeLists.txt:159 (superbuild_process_dependencies)

I also read the post below because some people were experiencing the same issue and you recommended using the flag " -D ENABLE_python3":

However for the current super-build version, that cmake flag is not recognized, I also tried:

-D ENABLE_python3 \
-DENABLE_python3 \

But I cannot start the compilation.