How to execute a python script every step of an animation?


I need to execute some python code (using the TimeKeeper.Time) every timestep of the animation
After some research I have tried(unsucessfully):

rv = GetActiveView()
rv.GetInteractor().AddObserver(vtkCommand.AnimationCueTick, somePythonCode , 1.0)

Any tips on how can I do this?

You can add a Python animation track from the Animation View.


Thank you, Utkarsh but it is not exactly what I am looking for because the variables of the code are reset every timestep.

The goal is to show the date of the simulation in the screen, using a start date and updating it every timestep, since the animation track run every timestep I’ve removed the part with TimeKeeper.Time

Python animation try code:

day = 28
month = 1
year = 2020
hour = 0
minute = 0
unitOfTime = 15

def start_cue(self):
    global day
    global month
    global year
    global hour
    global minute
    global unitOfTime
    minute += unitOfTime
    if(minute == 60 ):
        minute = 0
        if(hour == 24):
          hour = 0
        if(day == 32):
          day = 1
        if(month == 13):
          month = 1
    return str(day) + '/' + str(month) + '/' + str(year) + '  ' + str(hour) + ':' + str(minute)

def tick(self): pass
def end_cue(self): pass

Code before the changes:

from paraview.simple import *
from paraview.vtk import vtkCommand

rv = GetActiveView()
tk = GetTimeKeeper()
dia = 28
mes = 1
ano = 2020
hora = 0
minuto = 0
unidade = 15
timeStep = tk.Time
nextTimeStep = timeStep+1

def dataDia():
    global dia
    global mes
    global ano
    global hora
    global minuto
    global unidade
    global timestep
    global nextTimeStep
    if(timeStep >= nextTimeStep):
        minuto += unidade
        if(minuto == 60 ):
          minuto = 0
        if(hora == 24):
          hora = 0
        if(dia == 32):
          dia = 1
        if(mes == 13):
          mes = 1
    return str(dia) + '/' + str(mes) + '/' + str(ano) + '  ' + str(hora) + ':' + str(minuto)

def callback(caller, event):
    text1.Text = dataDia()
    timeStep = tk.Time

text1 = Text()
text1Display = Show(text1, rv, 'TextSourceRepresentation')
rv.GetInteractor().AddObserver(vtkCommand.AnimationCueTickEvent, callback, 1.0)

Here’s a little bit of a hack to preserve some state.

global foo

def start_cue(self):
  global foo
  foo = 12

def tick(self):
  global foo
  foo  += 1
  print("foo=", foo)

def end_cue(self): pass

I’ve reported an issue here. That should fix this idiosyncrasy.

Worked flawlessly! Thank you!

The thing is, the goal is to show these outputs in a Text on the RendeView something like

text1 = Text()
text1Display = Show(text1, rv, 'TextSourceRepresentation')
text1.Text = outputOfTheTimeStep

Does the Python Animation Track gives me this possibility in any manner?

something like this could work

global foo

def start_cue(self): pass
def end_cue(self): pass

def tick(self):
  global foo
   textSource = foo
  except NameError:
     from paraview.simple import Text, Show
     textSource = Text()
     foo = textSource
     textSource.Text = str(self.GetAnimationTime())
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