Interpolating 3D data (X, Y, Z, value)...and adding a time component.

Thanks! With help on another question (link) I have this partially working. Using .vtp XML format files and a .pvd file with the content below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1"
    <DataSet timestep="0" group="" part="0"
    <DataSet timestep="1" group="" part="0"
    <DataSet timestep="2" group="" part="0"
    <DataSet timestep="4" group="" part="0"
    <DataSet timestep="8" group="" part="0"

However, the animation seems to have an unexpected behavior (to me at least) in that:

  • The data set for time step 0 is only visible at time = 0 and is then immediately superseded by the date for time step 1.
  • The data set for time step 1 continues to be visible until time = 1 and is then immediately superseded by the date for time step 2.

This pattern continues for each following time step, so that in my example the one defined for time step 8 is actually visible for all time steps > 4. E.g.


…rather than what I had expected:

Is this the intended behavior, and if yes, is there a way to change it? Logically with my data I want the image to update on the time step that corresponds with the time step that it was defined.