Is it possible to add labels to contour lines?

@wascott I was able to do this successfully with Paraview 5.6.0-975-g3fceb06(5.6 from download wesite), but it fails for the version Paraview 5.6.0-1074-gdcb1bac (nightly binaries given by @cory.quammen under this post) Running Paraview on SSH -X

As soon as I select contour filter after the slice,
Error: Cannot create decorator of type “NonPolyDataInputDecorator”

Screen shot:


Hy will you please help me how to give “%” sign there ? and in my case its showing the value all the counter line? how can i set only one time value for a contour line ?

To display the % character, in the Edit Label Properties in the Find Data tool, the Point Label Format may be described as follows

%3.0f %%

If you want to label one on the contour line, you may want to manually select one point with the selection tool.

Thanks a lot