Leveraging MPICH ABI compatibility for distributed binaries

Just to close the loop, these changes have now been implemented in master and will be included in ParaView 5.9. Below is the output generated using --help by pvserver executable from the nightly binaries. The launcher options are list first, followed by the standard executable options (in this case, pvserver options).

> ./bin/pvserver --help
Launcher options:
  --print       Print modified environment.
  --system-mpi  Use MPI implementation available on the system.
  --mesa        Use Mesa GL for rendering.
  --backend <backend>  Specify mesa backend.

Available backends:

pvserver options:

  -ch=opt  Tell the data|render server the host name of the client, use with -rc.

  --connect-id=opt  Set the ID of the server and client to make sure they match. 0 is reserved to imply none specified.

You should be able to test these out using the latest nightly binaries for Linux.

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