Live point cloud visualization plugin


In the code of VeloView (which basically is a bundled ParaView+LidarPlugin), the timesteps of ParaView is changed by the main code, not the Lidar Plugin.
We advice you to start from VeloView code, which is much closer to your goal.
If you really want to start from scratch within ParaView, you need to increment this requested timestep yourself.

Newest version of VeloView (unreleased) uses the same mechanism as ParaView “LiveSource” plugin (available in 5.6+), where the plugin tells ParaView to set a QtTimer that will automatically increment the available and requested timesteps.

request->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::CONTINUE_EXECUTING(), 1); relates to another mechanism that will run request Data multiple time, but won’t take care of updating the requested timestep.

Bastien Jacquet
VeloView project leader