Can you summarize the issue ?
Sure! I have a Python macro that outputs some information about the data being visualized in the “Output Messages”. window. This macro also has a function that makes a plot using Matplotlib and saves it as a PNG file. However, after this function runs, the output messages windows stop working (nothing else is shown). I don’t see this issue in PV 5.9.
can you share a minimal example ?
Here you go:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("Starting to make the plot.")
#fig, ax = plt.subplots();
print("Plot is complete.")
Nothing is shown in output messages window if I uncomment the line.
Unable to reproduce with ParaView 5.10.0 binary release
Thank you for looking at this. Are you running on OS X or Windows? This seems to be exclusive of OS X…
Linux. I’m afraid I have no idea about OS X.