Plot over sorted line

The short answer is you can run the Plot On Sorted Lines filter on your contour lines to order the points to follow the line. Then save the result as a CSV file.

Demonstrating this is always easier when you post your data (not just the images), but as a proxy I did a contour on a smoothed Mandelbrot fractal in ParaView to generate a wavy line. Here is the state file and screen shot.

contour-plot.pvsm (655.3 KB)

As you can see, after making the contour plot, I ran the Plot On Sorted Lines filter. ParaView makes its own XY plot for that (which is the original point of the filter). I changed the X and Y axes to follow the X and Y coordinates to verify the plot is correct.

After this, you can use save data Screen Shot 2024-01-03 at 10.58.33 AM to write out a CSV file on the points. You can then plot the X and Y coordinates in any program you like. Here is a screenshot of me doing that in Excel.

This problem was also discussed on this post: How do I obtain contour lines in a sequence. - #11 by Kenneth_Moreland