Problem with MPI_Comm in ParaView 5.10.0 RC1 when using External MPI version


If I set




and then use

make -j 20 -l 20 install

Then I am making a parallel build with an external mpi version, that is also built in parallel, correct?

I have

-DENABLE_netcdf=ON \

but I have not explicitly set HDF5

but it is being built as it is a prerequisite for netcdf

– Enabling hdf5 for: netcdf



There were some issues with compiling with MPI compilers and a serial CGNS / HDF5. Those have been fixed in the latest seacas master branch.

I don’t care at all about how many -j cores the build process uses. I care whether you’re using MPI. This says you are (-DENABLE_mpi=ON).

Thanks, I’ll look at pulling those patches in (since we prefer to sit on tags).

Here is what I found:

Hrm. That’s a lot of changes. Something went wonky with another ioss update…tracking it down.


I have found that the issue is still present in ParaView 5.10.0-RC2



Any news on this issue?

I believe that 5.11 should have this fixed. I seem to remember fixing MPI_Comm “no MPI” stuff since.