Single Azimuthal Segment Texture Distortion for Earth TextureMaptoSphere

Bane, your plugin looks great. However I get an error when I try to load it through the plugin manager. I am able to load the sample Python plugin ( “”), but when I try to load “”, I get this error message in the Output messages (ParaView 5.7.0 on MacOS 10.15.1):

Generic Warning: In /Users/kitware/dashboards/buildbot-slave/a64f5607/build/superbuild/paraview/src/ParaViewCore/PythonAlgorithm/vtkPVPythonAlgorithmPlugin.cxx, line 185
Failed to load Python plugin:
Failed to call `paraview.detail.pythonalgorithm.load_plugin`.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 513, in load_plugin
    module = imp.load_source(modulename, filepath)
  File "/Users/shermanw/Work/Geology/", line 7, in <module>
    from PVGeo.model_build import (CreateEvenRectilinearGrid, CreateTensorMesh,
ImportError: No module named PVGeo.model_build
ERROR: In /Users/kitware/dashboards/buildbot-slave/a64f5607/build/superbuild/paraview/src/ParaViewCore/ClientServerCore/Core/vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx, line 417
vtkPVPluginLoader (0x60000ae99080): dlopen(/Users/shermanw/Work/Geology/, 1): no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/Users/shermanw/Work/Geology/ unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x70 0x61 0x72 0x61 0x76 0x69 0x65 0x77
	/Users/shermanw/Work/Geology/ unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x70 0x61 0x72 0x61 0x76 0x69 0x65 0x77

And I get a similar message when I try to load “” as a plugin. (Also, I’m a bit confused as to how the two files should be loaded as a single plugin.)

I know this thread is from a year ago, but I hope it might catch someone’s eye.
