There is no option in menu to do that. You will need a Live Programmable Source
in the `Script’ part, put vtkPython code to read your file
from paraview.vtk.vtkIOXML import vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader as vtuReader
# adapt here to use the appropriate reader
reader = vtuReader()
in the second part, Script (CheckNeedsUpdate)
, write the conditionnal check you want. The first script will be executed only when SetNeedsUpdate(True)
is called in this second script.
import time
if not hasattr(self, "_my_time"):
setattr(self, "_my_time", time.time())
t = time.time()
lastTime = getattr(self, "_my_time")
# adapt here to set the time (in sec) you want to wait between updates
if t - lastTime > 60:
setattr(self, "_my_time", t)