Vector plot

I have the coordinates of points and the vector data (x,y,z components) at these points in tecplot data format. How can I produce a nice looking vector plot.

The Glyph filter will place a glyph at each point, oriented by a vector array that you choose.

Sorry I am new to Paraview. What is meant by “oriented by a vector array” and how do I choose it. My data is like this:
TITLE= “Para”
VARIABLES= “X”, “Y”, “Z”, “Vx”, “Vy”, “Vz”
ZONE T= "Zone 1 ", I= 1 , J= 2 , F=POINT
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.198835 1.429657 -0.000233
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.198835 -1.429657 0.000233
Thank you for your patience.

Hi Beer,

I highly recommend that new ParaView users go through the ParaView Tutorial. It covers a number of filters useful to you and will answer many questions you may have.

It appears that your dataset has three data arrays that define the separate components of a vector data array. You’ll need to perform an intermediate step to turn those components into a 3-component data array before it can be used as the orientation array in the Glyph filter. Please see this ParaView FAQ entry for how to do that.

Thank you for your help.

How do I merge scalar arrays into vector array if each component is loaded into separate block? VX*iHat + VY*jHat + VZ*kHat expression from FAQ does not produce any output and does not throw any errors in this case (expressions like VX*iHat + 0*jHat + 0*kHat or VX*iHat + VX*jHat + 0*kHat work just fine).

Try the Merge Blocks filter. However, I suspect that the reason you get nothing back is that VX is on one block of cells, VY or VZ are on a different block with different cells. You must have VX, VY and VZ on the same cells to create a vector.

My data layout is presented in picture below, field components are named f_.

MergeBlocks filter only has two options:
I tried all combinations of those and didn’t get the desired result.

PS. I used Dolfin-X function XDMFFile.write_function function to create the XDMF file.