Welcome to the ParaView discussion forum

Welcome to the ParaView discussion forum! This forum is a place to discuss ParaView, ask questions about its use, share usage tips, and generally share knowledge about ParaView.

All are welcome to participate. Participation in this forum is voluntary, and there is no guarantee that you will receive a response, though many members try their best to help whenever possible. You can help increase the odds of getting a helpful response by doing several things:

  • ensure your question is brief and clear
  • clearly explain what your problem is and how to reproduce it (if you are having a problem)
  • answer other questions on the forum to free up other contributors’ time to answer your question
  • be courteous and respectful to others on the forum
  • offer constructive criticism, but criticize ideas, not people


The ParaView Team

p.s. If you have ideas about how to improve this forum, please leave some site feedback.


A post was split to a new topic: FEM stress points in ParaView