3dConnexion SpaceMouse Variable Zoom Rate

I have a 3dconnexion spacemouse which i am using to navigate large 3d datasets. The plugin works fine except that the motion rates are constant irrespective of the current zoom rendering the spacemouse useless for datasets using SI units that are micron in size

In most 3d CAD software (like NX or Solidworks) there is an option to automatically set the rotation center and scale the rates based on the current zoom level. Is there an option for this hidden in the plugin support or elsewhere in the UI?

Welcome to ParaView @asmith2! At present there aren’t any controls in the ParaView UI to set the navigation speed. The intent was to use the driver controls for such adjustments. On my Mac, there is an Overall Speed setting that can be adjusted in the 3Dconnexion panel of the System Settings. I can see how it would be useful to adjust the speed based on zoom level, though.

Yeah, the speed setting isn’t great because I have a dataset that’s is 10e-4 units and another that’s ~1 units, thus there is no one global setting that works for both.

If I wanted to modify the plugin to have this functionality, is there information on where I should look?