4DFlow Pathline Streamline

Hi, I need help again.
In the software before I made an interpolation and so I have a pretty ugly contours
I found the filter smooth to adjust the contour but there is some way to smooth also the flow out of the contours? Because if I use Smooth filter also for the 4dflow it smooth also the inside and I don’t want that.
I saw the possibility to use extract selection but I don’t understand how to use it!

Do you have any suggestions?

please share a screenshot

Before the smooth of the contours:

After the smooth of the contour:

Can I remove the arrows of the velocity field out of the contour?

Hide the glyph filter ?

I don’t understand.
I want to “cut” the velocity field with the contour to obtain the velocity field only inside of the contour and then export them

You can use the Polydatadistance trick for this I think.

I create the filters but then this happen

The programmable filter should have your velocity field has an input.

Both clipper and slicer?
import paraview.modules.vtkPVVTKExtensionsFiltersGeneral as ext

inpMain = self.GetInputDataObject( 0, 0 )
inp = self.GetInputDataObject( 0, 1 )
out = self.GetOutput()

clipper = ext.vtkPVMetaClipDataSet()
function = vtk.vtkImplicitPolyDataDistance()

outData = clipper.GetOutputDataObject(0)

and same for the other?

Absolutely not. Please follow the steps in the link I shared closely.

nothing happen

I’m appying them correctly?
The volume is my velocity fiels and the surface is the contour?

please share your data

1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph001.vtk (694.0 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph002.vtk (683.4 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph003.vtk (620.6 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph004.vtk (562.0 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph005.vtk (501.0 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph006.vtk (378.4 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph007.vtk (325.3 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph008.vtk (280.9 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph009.vtk (245.3 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph010.vtk (220.8 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph011.vtk (223.4 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph012.vtk (236.2 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph013.vtk (255.5 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph014.vtk (278.0 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph015.vtk (344.8 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph016.vtk (420.7 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph017.vtk (477.7 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph018.vtk (514.9 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph019.vtk (597.0 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph020.vtk (595.3 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph021.vtk (587.6 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph022.vtk (579.3 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph023.vtk (573.4 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph024.vtk (578.2 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph025.vtk (583.3 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph001.vtk (167.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph002.vtk (167.7 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph003.vtk (167.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph004.vtk (167.5 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph005.vtk (167.3 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph006.vtk (152.7 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph007.vtk (152.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph008.vtk (152.3 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph009.vtk (152.2 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph010.vtk (152.2 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph011.vtk (152.2 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph012.vtk (152.2 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph013.vtk (152.2 KB)
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1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph015.vtk (152.3 KB)
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1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph017.vtk (152.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph018.vtk (152.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph019.vtk (167.1 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph020.vtk (167.1 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph026.vtk (598.8 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph027.vtk (642.4 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph028.vtk (722.7 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph029.vtk (751.0 KB)
1998753LV_3dflow_vec_ph030.vtk (723.5 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph021.vtk (167.1 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph022.vtk (167.1 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph023.vtk (167.1 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph024.vtk (167.2 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph025.vtk (167.2 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph026.vtk (167.3 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph027.vtk (167.4 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph028.vtk (167.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph029.vtk (167.6 KB)
1998753LV_LV_Endo_ph030.vtk (167.5 KB)

It looks to me like the velocity field glyphs protrude out of the contour even before the smoothing. I’m not sure you’ll be able to get the result you want without cutting a bunch of the arrows in half, and I’m not sure if that’s what @mwestphal is suggesting.

The nature of arrow glyphs like that is that they protrude out of the velocity field pretty easily. Perhaps a stream tracer filter will do what you want?