Hi, I need help again.
In the software before I made an interpolation and so I have a pretty ugly contours
I found the filter smooth to adjust the contour but there is some way to smooth also the flow out of the contours? Because if I use Smooth filter also for the 4dflow it smooth also the inside and I don’t want that.
I saw the possibility to use extract selection but I don’t understand how to use it!
It looks to me like the velocity field glyphs protrude out of the contour even before the smoothing. I’m not sure you’ll be able to get the result you want without cutting a bunch of the arrows in half, and I’m not sure if that’s what @mwestphal is suggesting.
The nature of arrow glyphs like that is that they protrude out of the velocity field pretty easily. Perhaps a stream tracer filter will do what you want?