Ability to view .prt files in ParaView


Can Paraview visualize .prt files as would be exported from CAD programs such as SolidWorks or NX? I realize there are many different readers available when I initially open a .prt file in ParaView but none appear to work. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

There is not .prt reader in ParaView.

Thank you for the quick response! Can I ask if you have any recommendations for open-source programs that could visualize .prt files, preferably ones that are open-source?

Best regards,

ParaView is meant for postprocessing of engineering simulations (mainly FEA and CFD). If you just want to open CAD models, it will be better to use a different app. I would recommend FreeCAD but you will have to convert the files to universal format (STEP is the bets one).

That makes sense. I assumed .prt files could be visualized since ParaView can handle formats such as .stl. Thank you for your recommendation!

Best regards,