This is this option, in housekeeping:
Thank you, following precisely your words worked
I renamed also the link of my project. And I’m so far finished with the code cleanup.
I assume code review and a possible request for testing is all based on a MR?
Do I need to create an issue to refer to as wanted or is this discurse topic also fine?
Yes, please create a MR from a branch in your fork to the master of paraview fork.
Do I need to create an issue to refer to as wanted or is this discurse topic also fine?
Not needed.
I created a MR
I am aware that your support, e.g. for reviewing the code, is kind of a personal commitment which I very much appreciate!
I all works fine, you make a bunch openCFS developers and users (especially students) quite happy. When it’s done we openCFS guys will have a round with Germany’s finest beers and cheer for you folks and the great tool kitware provides.
I am aware that your support, e.g. for reviewing the code, is kind of a personal commitment which I very much appreciate!
Kitware welcomes external contributions, nothing personnal here
We will take a look when possible.
the CFSReader is now part of ParaView and available in the latest nightly binaries. I will be available in ParaView 5.12.