I can create a text source that is “fixed” on a xyz location, by using the
Sources → Text and add the xyz manually (both Billboard and/or Flagpole).
Yet, I have about 1000 text objects I would like to add, all of them that have their own xyz location. I tried to “reverse engineering” the text box I manually made, and export to to vtk, vtd,… but no option actually saved the xyz location.
How can I make a series of text file (perhaps vtk?) so I can import them to paraview?
Hi Marios, scripting Python would do well here. However, I’m afraid if you add 1000 text sources, ParaView’s performance will not be what you hope for.
You might be better off loading the labels and positions from a CSV file as a table, then use the Table to Points filter to convert this data to 3D points. The data should have four columns, one column each for X, Y, and Z, and a column for the text. You can then select all the data and use the Selection Editor panel to turn on labels for selected points. Choose the text data array from your CSV file as the Point Labels array and you will see the text displayed where you want it. This is a bit of a hack as it uses a temporary selection to draw the text values, but it works and might be enough for you to generate the visualization you are after.