Adding labels at specific XYZ locations

Dear Paraview Experts,

I am running multiple simulations of the same geometry and would like to create consistent plots to compare the results. I have already configured a state which generates most of the plots I am looking for, however one of the plots should contain labels with values from the dataset at specific xyz locations, however label locations seems not to be stored with the state.
For this reason I have been looking into ways of storing the xyz locations and then reapply the labels after having loaded the new dataset. For instance, I have tried extracting the locations through the “Extract Selection” filter, but this seems not reusable as it stores the indices of the points and not the xyz locations, so the points jump around as I apply them to new datasets. I have also tried to see if it was possible to create labels using a Python dataset, but didn’t succeed with that yet. I am sure it must be possible by way of Python, but before spending too much time on that, I wanted to check if there are any GUI options.

Thank you in advance for any tips you can provide,

I’m not sure what type of label you are creating, but if you create the label with a Text source (Sources -> Annotation -> Text), you can then set the Text Prop Mode to Billboard 3D Text. When you do that, a property named Billboard Position will appear that will let you select a specific xyz location for the label.