AttributeError: type object 'GeometryRepresentation' has no attribute 'InputVectors'

I generated a trace to get Q-criterion. When I run this script in python shell within the Paraview, it works fine. But when I run in terminal either using pvpython or pvbatch, I get the following error

AttributeError: type object 'GeometryRepresentation' has no attribute 'InputVectors'

Here is the script (8.3 KB)

Do you have a plugin loaded ? In any case, InputVectors does not exist on the SurfaceRepresentation, just remove the lines.

Thanks for the reply. If I delete that line, it works! Thanks.

Which Plugin I should load in case if I want to make it work that line.?

Hard to say, you would need to take a look into Tools → Manage Plugin

How to add streamlinesrepresentation plugins to pvpython?


I get the following error:

It needs the full path, something like:

LoadPlugin('/home/glow/dev/paraview/pv1/build/lib/paraview-5.11/plugins/StreamLinesRepresentation/', remote=False, ns=globals())

Use your own path inside instead.