Average in one direction to get a 2D field out of 3D data

Hello everyone,

My question seems to be a very basic problem, but unfortunately I couldn’t find any solution in the forum, so I’m starting this new thread.

I have a 3D fluid simulation, say a pipe flow, and just want to average/project the field information onto a 2D plane. So far I have used a workaround which was to set the color bar to x-ray, then the renderer to volume and the camera to isometric in the direction I want. This has the big disadvantage that you do not get the averaged field values, but only the information as an image. Also, this approach only works with X-Ray and no other colorful colormap.

I also used the programmable filter to clip each cell of a slice plane and then map the cell weighted volume integral to the cell, but unfortunately this approach is very computationally intensive and only works with small meshes. In the case of +100k cells, this approach is infeasible, even using parallelization with a pvserver.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance guys and best regards,
