Axis Scale Factor or vertical exaggeration of Z axis?

i did not find the exaggerate filter,how can I do it , please

i find my answer here , thanks very much

Hello everyone,
I am not sure if my question is related to this topic as I am a beginner in Paraview but I want to prolong the bottom side of a 3D object which is a hollow model in stl. format. the “Transform filter” can stretch the bottom but also change the whole shape in a way that the diameter of inlet and outlet change too. Is there any other filter or ways to prolong it without stretching?
Thanks and regards,

Actually I do not think from the beginning it is so difficult to exaggerate Z-axis with the powerful VTK & Python support :grinning: Anyway I hope this issue could be resolved soon :grinning:

The animated GIF above is derived from Geo3DJViewer (version 1.0) which is one of softwares of TNO (The Netherlands). Although Geo3DJViewer v1.0 was written in a year of 2000 and run on Java platform but it run smoothly.