Axis swapped with XDMF TopologyType="3DCORECTMesh"

Dear all,
I have a naive question which has probably been addressed in the past, but I was not able to find any reference about. When I import the following XDMF file in Paraview

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <Topology TopologyType="3DCORECTMesh"  NumberOfElements=" 81 41 21"/>
  <Geometry GeometryType="ORIGIN_DXDYDZ">
    <DataItem Name="Origin" Dimensions="3"  NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="XML">
       0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
    <DataItem Name="Spacing" Dimensions="3"  NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="XML">
       0.025000 0.025000 0.025000


the x- and z-axis are erroneously swapped. I guess this is not a visualization problem but a wrong data import, as in the “Information” tab I read

X Extent: 0 to 20 (should be 0 to 80)
Z Extent: 0 to 80 (should be 0 to 20)

X Range: 0 to 0.5 (should be 0 to 2)
Z Range: 0 to 2 (should be 0 to 0.5)

Any hint? I’m using Paraview 5.7.0 on Ubuntu 18.04

Thanks in advance

I can confirm that odd behaviour, saying, that I too see that the x- and z-axis are swapped when reading in 3D data from an HDF5 file via an XDMF file using the TopologyType 3DCoRectMesh. This finally results in mirrored visualisation of the given data. I actually believe, that this swapping of data axes is a bug in Paraview. Can anyone else confirm this? Will this be solved in future versions?


This seems to be quite a trap, as the documentation (XDMF Model and Format - XdmfWeb) says the values are x,y,z - but apparently they are swapped in the reader, for example: VTK/IO/Xdmf2/vtkXdmfReaderInternal.cxx at ff6e52da50e3b29f5c18de6d7a9e14d39548c8bb · Kitware/VTK · GitHub

Is that just an error in the documentation?