BUILD_TESTING no longer an option?

I am building paraview master branch commit 77afed7ca10ebd83a1816d0024d5f121e3d4aef0 and I’m not seeing the option BUILD_TESTING anymore. I tried setting the options PARAVIEW_BUILD_TESTING and PARAVIEW_BUILD_VTK_TESTING on, but ExternalData doesn’t build.

How do I build testing with ExternalData?

The following works on master and generates ExternalData :

WANT? That is NOT intuitive. Why not YES or NO?



Neither generated ExternalData. Are there any other options I should be enabling?

@wascott ON means “force testing to be on” which can conflict with settings like MPI being off. WANT says “enable testing and their dependencies, but skip if some required module is disabled”. As for why the tests aren’t showing up, that’s interesting. The buildbots (and I at least) are using it just fine. Is there a ParaViewData target generated?

It actually did generate. I just thought it wasn’t, because my ctest IO tests were failing. Ctest is looking for the VTK data in build_root/VTK/ExternalData/Testing/Data but it is generated in build_root/ExternalData/VTK/Testing/Data.

I just fixed this today :slight_smile: .

Oh cool! I’ll pull the master and try that. Thanks Ben

Not sure if this is related, but with paraview 5.8 now getting some build failures. As per paraview 5.7 and earlier I’ve disabled testing with this


Nonetheless, the testing parts attempt to build, and after some build time things bomb out with an error:

fatal error: ../../ParaView-v5.8.0/ThirdParty/QtTesting/vtkqttesting/pq3DViewEventPlayer.h: No such file or directory

I used ccmake to inspect which variables are actually available. There is a whole myriad of paraview and vtk testing variables. I really hope that I don’t need to disable each and every one of them.

Can you try from scratch ?

Thanks for the hint!
Indeed caused by a dirty build. Must have had something still lurking in one of the directories.

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