Building Paraview from source is missing pvbatch


I’m built Paraview from source with osmesa on a Linux cluster that has no graphics card. I had MPI enabled. After building and installing with make install the directory install/bin/ does not have pvbatch or pvpython, it has paraview and pvserver. What are the correct flags to generate them?

pvbatch and pvpython both require Python, which you can enable by setting PARAVIEW_USE_PYTHON to ON.

I enabled PARAVIEW_USE_PYTHON and it complained about not finding some python libraries, so I installed my own python by following the instructions here:

This built python3.6, and I passed the directories to Paraview. Now I’m getting the following errors:

../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_Hash'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GetBuffer'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_Repr'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_InitializeEx'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_ValueError'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_AsLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_GetProgramName'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyThreadState_Swap'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBool_Type'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GetAttr'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyDict_GetItemString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyImport_AddModule'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_KeyError'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_Py_TrueStruct'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_And'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyTuple_Pack'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_GetLength'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_ReprLeave'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySys_SetObject'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyFile_WriteString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_Py_HashPointer'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_Str'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GetAttrString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyModule_Type'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyMem_Free'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GenericSetAttr'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_Restore'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyType_IsSubtype'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyModule_GetDict'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Power'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyRun_SimpleStringFlags'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Index'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_InternFromString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyTuple_New'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Divmod'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_GetSize'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_Py_NoneStruct'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_AttributeError'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Float'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Add'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyDict_SetItemString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_FromFormat'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyList_Append'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyType_Type'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBytes_FromStringAndSize'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyByteArray_Type'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Absolute'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyDict_Next'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_SetObject'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_PyObject_New'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Long'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyType_GenericAlloc'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBuffer_Release'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GetIter'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_Format'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_CallFunction'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyFloat_FromDouble'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyFloat_AsDouble'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_Main'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_Concat'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_Finalize'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_OverflowError'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_BuildValue'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_ExceptionMatches'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyMem_RawFree'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyCFunction_NewEx'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyList_New'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_FromString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_Repeat'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBytes_Size'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_Check'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_TrueDivide'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_GetPythonHome'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_FloorDivide'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_Clear'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBuffer_FillInfo'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyRun_StringFlags'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyDict_GetItem'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Multiply'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyModule_GetName'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Lshift'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_EncodeLocale'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyDict_New'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_SetString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_SetProgramName'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_NotImplementedError'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyArg_ParseTuple'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_AsUTF8'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBuffer_FillContiguousStrides'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySys_GetObject'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Xor'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBytes_AsString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GC_Del'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySys_SetArgvEx'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Rshift'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_Free'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_DecodeLocale'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBaseObject_Type'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GetItem'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyExc_TypeError'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyType_Ready'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_GetItem'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Invert'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_ClearWeakRefs'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_PyUnicode_Ready'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_AsLongLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GC_UnTrack'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_Size'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_SetItem'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Remainder'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_Py_FalseStruct'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_ReprEnter'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_FromLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_FromLongLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_CallMethod'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Or'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_PyObject_GC_New'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_IsTrue'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_AsUnsignedLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_AsEncodedString'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Negative'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_Occurred'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_ReadChar'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GenericGetAttr'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_Fetch'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_HashNotImplemented'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PySequence_Contains'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_AtExit'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_PyType_Lookup'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyDict_Size'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyFloat_Type'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyCallable_Check'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_FrozenFlag'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyArg_Parse'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_Exit'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyLong_FromUnsignedLong'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyArg_UnpackTuple'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyList_Insert'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_RichCompare'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Positive'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyObject_GC_Track'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_Print'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_Concat'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `Py_IsInitialized'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyNumber_Subtract'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_AsUTF8String'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `_PyByteArray_empty_string'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBytes_AsStringAndSize'
../../../lib/ undefined reference to `PyBool_FromLong'

The linker must not be getting the Python library. What is the value of the CMake variable Python3_LIBRARY?

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Thanks! I had to give the full path to the library python3.6/install/lib/libpython3.6m.a