Calculating volume changes

Dear all,
I am using paraview 5.13.2 in windows. I want to calculate the volume changes in one part of my domain. With the threshold filter at some especific time steps I can find out the interested region. Then, if I move to another time steps the threshold area can disappear because the defined rule for the threshold does not hold anymore.
So, first I need to extract the cells (making the interested region) in that espeific time step. Then I want to calculate the volume of the interested region in every time steps. From the start till the end, my mesh is changing in numerical simualtion and the volume changes.
The following fig shows the interested area in my domain:

Thanks for your support.

Hi @Ali1990dashti

MeshQualiy filter can let you compute volume


Thanks for your hint.
I tried it, i first set the Triangle Quality Measure to Shape and Size, then I got a TetVolume (partial) variable.
But how can i freeze the region and then calculate the change in its volume. In a especific time step I find the target region with the threshold filter, later on the volume of this region changes and I want to see it. Now, when I move to next time steps the threshold area changes while i want to be independent of the threshold values and only work on the target region.

What is a “target region” here ?

The region that was detected by the threshold at a especific time step. But as you know the region is threshold dependent, so when i move to other time steps, some parts of it disappear or it gets bigger.