Can I make a programmable source follows its specified camera?


I wrote a code for programmable source that creates vtkPolyData. I need the object rotates around a axis (point) itself to follows a specified camera like vtkFollower. Can I do it in Paraview for the programmable source? Maybe in the Python shell?

Best regards,

Best regards,

Is the model moving over time and you want to follow it ? Or do you want to move the camera only ?

I have 3D body with data field and I need to draw annotations with comments for fields. Paraview’s text source allows it - it has option “Flagpole Actor”. But Paraview’s text source doesn’t have option for background and color of a line is white. So I decided to write Programmable source that draws an annotation with background and different line colors. But I can’t find solution how I can make the annotation to rotate like Paraview’s text source with option “Flagpole Actor”.