Can I run pvserver at Linux, and run paraview client at Windows?

Dear All,
I am doing some rendering tests(Paraview) on hpc system with Linux os. Honestly, I am a noob. So I want to know that can I run pvserver at Linux, and run paraview client at Windows(the server and client must be connected on the Internet)? Before I get the answer, I should do some project test. And I should also look through our community topics for the same question.
Appreciate to All your helps. Thank you.


Yes, you can run pvserver on linux and ParaView on windows and connect them together.

Thank you, Mathieu. I am very glad to receive this usefull message!


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Do the windows and linux paraview version have to be exactly the same ?
I have the same paraview 5.8.0 on both systems, but the one in linux has python + mpi. The windows installation is kind of minimalist. Also, both of them have a different qt versions ( Windows has qt 5.12 , linux has qt5.10).
I am trying to connect this two but I get :

ERROR: In D:\paraview\5.8.0\VTK\Parallel\Core\vtkSocketCommunicator.cxx, line 592

vtkSocketCommunicator (00000153A23088B0): Client/server version hash mismatch.

– Camilo.

Hi Kmilo,
Yes, you need the same version of paraview, to be more specific, you need identical content for file “vtkSocketCommunicator.cxx” on both platform, which means you need this file have the same md5 on both platforms, you can check it like below:
$cmake -E md5sum “D:\paraview\5.8.0\VTK\Parallel\Core\vtkSocketCommunicator.cxx”

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