Hi everyone,
Could anyone please give me some advice on how to visualize Flowsquare datasets using Paraview?
I am using a simulation software called Flowsquare and somehow I managed to visualize the result using Paraview with ‘Apend Attributes’ but my Mesh data(The object which I used in simulation) wasn’t displayed.
Here are the steps how I visualize my datasets
1.open data ->yfld.raw
2. data scalar type → double
3. data byte order ->little Endian
4. Dimensionality ->3
5. Data extent ->(1, 200), (1,100), (1,100)
6. apply
7. open data ->ufld.raw and repeat step no.2 ~ 6
8. open data ->vfld.raw and repeat step no.2 ~ 6
9. open data ->wfld.raw and repeat step no.2 ~ 6
10. select data ufld.raw, vfld.raw & wfld.raw and applied filters (Append Attributes under alphabetical category)
11. Compute new attribute arrays
Attribute type: point data
Result array name: Result
enter UiHat+VjHat+W*kHat
12. apply
13. generate glyphs or stream tracer
I’ve seen a lot of ‘visualizing OpenFoam data using Paraview’, their mesh data was displayed.
How can I do that?
I am doing a fluid flow simulation and wish to find out how the water flow under the boat, wish to visualize using Paraview with Mesh data displayed.
Your kind advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.