Can we warp by vector from field value at step N onto mesh at step 0?

The question is - can we warp by vector from field value at step N onto mesh at step 0?

This seems to be a common application for solid mechanics simulations where the mesh is updated at every analysis step. Therefore, the starting mesh at step N already took into account the displacement field up to step N-1. To get the deformed mesh, one would need to do “warp by vector” of “displacement field at step N” on “mesh at step 0”.

Would this be possible?


If I understand well, you can just display your mesh at N+1 to get the results.

In any case, you can do that in ParaView in multiple ways.
One of the simplest would be to use ForceTime and AppendAttributes.
Here is an example state file : stateForce.pvsm (555.5 KB)

You will need this data :