Cannot connect to ParaView server

I receive similar error when connecting!
Socket error in call to connect. Connection refused.
( 12.832s) [paraview ] vtkClientSocket.cxx:51 ERR| vtkClientSocket (0x13b3800): Failed to connect to server localhost:11111

I tried different versions of pv while the error exists.

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This is no error. Are you running the pvserver ?

Yes, I think so. I submit the script provided by the officials of the remote machine.
This is the last lines in the output files when I sbatch the script:

Waiting for client…
Connection URL: cs://exp-8-56:11111
Accepting connection(s): exp-8-56:11111

The script that I submit is

you should connect to this host instead of connecting to localhost

OK!! I connect to the host using SSH then I submit the script using sbatch then I establish a tunnel to the local machine using ssh then I try to connect. This is the way the officials asks for. I am not sure which host and when I connect to the host not the localhost?

Please share your tunnel command

ssh -f -N -L localhost:11111:localhost:11111

That command should work assuming the server is running on with port 11111

I did it and even tried another updated operating system (Windows 11). Now I receive another error!
( 21.661s) [paraview ] vtkSMSessionClient.cxx:879 ERR| vtkSMSessionClient (0000015036FECDA0): Server failed to gather information.
( 21.693s) [paraview ] vtkSocket.cxx:544 ERR| vtkClientSocket (0000015035EE7210): Socket error in call to send. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

make sure you do not have multiple server running on the host.

Hi Ardalan,

I have the same error as you in my paraview. did you find any solutions?

Amirhosein Hasanabadi