【My Problem】
I would like to compile and build paraview from sourcecode on a linux headless machine. I have followed official link GithubParaviewBuildLink, and succeeded somehow.
But when I compared mybuild with KitwareOfficialHeadlessServerBinary, I found -real executable files are not built (like pvpython-real, pvserver-real, but pvpython and pvserver are built successfully )
【Attemp I made】
I finds this might be helpful, but could not figure out how to utilize it. CUDA_ARCHITECTURES — CMake 3.30.5 Documentation
Could anyone give me some advice? Thanks in advance!!
Those binaries are there to leave room for the “official” names to be the launchers binary. This sits between the user and the -real binaries so that it can inject environment settings to load the superbuild’s Mesa or MPI binaries instead of the system copies. If you’re not using the superbuild’s mesa, osmesa, or mpi projects, there’s no need for the launchers or -real binaries.