Cannot open multiple LAMMPS dump files as a file series

I am using paraview 5.12.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS.

I am unable to open a collection of dump files obtained from LAMMPS as a file series.
The data is probably loaded into paraview (i see dump* in the pipeline).
However, I cannot see the animation (in ‘Time Manager’)

Just to confirm if the issue is with .dump files only or not, I have created some fabricated data and saved it as .csv files. I can open them as file series, and play the animation in ‘Time Manager’.
I am attaching the relevant .dump and .csv files here.
The .csv data may be loaded as: open file series → Add Filter ‘Table to Points’ → Add Filter ‘Glyph’ (settings: Sphere, select x,y,z column, and radius column as Scalars).

I think, my issue is perhaps similar to this one: Cannot open fileseries in ParaView 5.4.1
which does not have any discussion below the question posted by the user.

Thank you. (870 Bytes) (9.0 KB)

AFAIK there is not “.dump” reader in ParaView, which reader are you using here ?


I am using LAMMPS Dump Files (*.dump) reader (pl. see attached image).

I would like to add the following new information that I have learnt:
There are two ways to generate LAMMPS dump files during simulations:
a. Entire data over multiple time steps written to one big dump file.
b. A separate dump file generated for every Nth time step.

I have tried loading the data using one big dumpfile (file attached). Paraview is able to load the data and run the animation flawlessly.
However, for my work, I would like to have separate dumpfiles for each Nth step, since each of these separate files is large. A combined file would be too big.

Thank you.

dump.BIGFILE.dump (474.1 KB)

This reader sadly does not support time series. It should be easy to add though. You can open an issue here:

I have opened an issue here:

Thank you.