Can't click popup toolbars


I’m using ParaView 5.10.0 and 5.12.1 in WSL2 GUI at Windows 11 computers.
If some toolbars (output messages, Properties, etc.) popup, I can’t click popup toolbars and dock to main window.
The Windows version does’t occur this appearance.

I’m using HI DPI options in WSL2.
This is part of my .wslgconfig file.


I’m using ParaView 5.10.0 and 5.12.1 in WSL2 GUI at Windows 11 computers.

ParaView does not officially support WSL, why not using the Windows binary ?

Thanks for your response.
The Windows binary Paraview suddenly shutdown when I use “Slice” and “Gradient” filters.
I don’t know if this problem is only occur on my computer. But Linux Paraview in my WSL system works well.

Please share data to reproduce these issues so they can be fixed.