Dear support.
I implemented catalystV2 adaptor for our code base.
It functions well, the only thing I noticed is that the breakpoints does not work. Only pause and continue.
I set root/catalyst/state/time as double. The
shows it got received.
( 2.149s) [pvbatch ]vtkCPPythonScriptV2Help:675 INFO| . . } 0.000 s: DoLive
( 2.149s) [pvbatch ] ParaViewCatalyst.cxx:384 INFO| . } 0.945 s: co-processing for timestep=1, time=0.000001
If I set in paraview I set catalyst connect, then breakpoint->time->0.000001 and set.
the breakpoint does not pause the simulation.
in the terminal I launched client paraview, empty lines starts to appear each time-step.
( 9.809s) [paraview ] vtkLiveInsituLink.cxx:409 INFO| Listening for primary Catalyst connection on `login:22222`
Accepting connection(s): login:22222
Pausing the simulation and setting the breakpoint for a later time (0.00005) and then continue also does not pause the simulation.
Paraview version 5.11.0
Linux login 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux