Clip closed surface filter over multiple open structures

Hi Paraview,
I tested clip closed filter on a superquadric (donut) and I found something weird.
With default setting (Origin: 0, 0, 0; Normal: 1, 0, 0), one of the holes is not completely closed.

However, as I modify the parameters, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

I can open a report if someone confirms this issue. Thank you!

There’s another related issue, the quality difference between clip filter (left) and clip closed filter (right) is huge. Is this normal or can it be avoided with some additional setting?

I can open a report if someone confirms this issue. Thank you!

Please do, looks like a bug

the quality difference

Missing normals, can be recomputed with GenerateSurfaceNormals, but this should not be needed, no reason to remove the normals.

The issue has been reported.
Error in clip closed surface filter on multiple open structures (#22327) · Issues · ParaView / ParaView · GitLab (

no reason to remove the normals.

I didn’t remove the normals, maybe this is another issue of the filter.
This quality drop doesn’t happen on my other testing though (only on superquadric).

Not reason for **the filter ** to remove the normals, looks like a bug.

This quality drop doesn’t happen on my other testing though

In which situtation does it not appear ?

In my previous post, the quality did not drop.
Clip closed surface filter over contour filter - ParaView Support - ParaView

I think this information suggests clip close surface filter use clip filter for contour output. :thinking:

Should I open another issue about the normal removal, or append this in the previous issue?

Normals do not matter for a box.

Clip closed surface actually remove all arrays as it would need to compute them for new cells. That’s possible but more of a missing feature than a bug.

Actually, it’s not a regular cuboid, but a round box from a contour filter.
And I was wrong, the image quality also drops in this case.

(vdb → contour filter)

(vdb → contour filter → clip closed surface)

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