I have compiled paraview superbuild 5.10 and 5.11 (5.12 failed on download - separate problem) but when reading OpenFoam VTK files and clipping the data by the U_Z velocity, I get the following image:
This suggests there is something wrong with how I have compiled paraview. The reason for compiling paraview is to have some additional python modules as well as rendering. I followed the instructions as per here. The cmake command I am using is as follows:
I do have the python modules that I required, rendering is available and paraview and pvpython run, but they produce the unexpected results as shown in the images.
Does anyone know what I have done wrong or any suggestions as to how to troubleshoot this further.
I have tested the binary release from here. I have tested with both 5.10 and 5.11. The 5.10 binary produced the smooth clip and the 5.11 produced the jagged clip as before.
To reproduce what I observe: added a clip to the data → clipped by scalar Uz (value = 0.2, click invert) → apply.
I have uploaded the data here. There are two files:
internal.tar.gz is the original file I was using.
I also extracted the Uz scalar and saved the data from within ParaView to “extractedData.vtm” which created the *.vtm files and the folders with the same name. This was just to try make your life easier by not having to download the whole data set.