CMake Error: Unknown Command c_install_targets When Configuring Catalyst2

Hi everyone,

I am trying to build Catalyst2 from the source code on a Windows 10 system using the following setup:

  • CMake Version: 3.31.0
  • Paraview Version: 5.12.1
  • Generator: Ninja
  • Compilers: GNU 14.1.0
  • Source Directory: ~/Catalyst/src
  • Build Directory: ~/Catalyst/build

I followed the Catalyst2 Build Instructions. However, when I try to configure using cmake-gui, I encounter the following error:

CMake Error at catalyst/CMakeLists.txt:159 (c_install_targets):
  Unknown CMake command "c_install_targets".

Steps I Followed

  1. Cloned the Catalyst2 repository into My Documents folder.
  2. Created an empty build directory inside the repository.
  3. Opened cmake-gui and set:
    • Where is the source code?: ~/Catalyst/src
    • Where to build the binaries?: ~/Catalyst/build
  4. Selected the Ninja generator and clicked Configure.
  5. Encountered the above error during configuration.

What I Tried

  • Verified that c_install_targets is defined in catalyst-internal-macros.cmake, which is included in the main CMakeLists.txt through the line:


  1. Am I missing any dependencies or configurations specific to Windows when using Catalyst2 with Ninja and GNU?
  2. Is there a working example or CMake configuration file showing how to set these variables correctly?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Is this still an issue?

No, this is no longer an issue. I was able to fix it by using the correct path for the directories.