I am trying to build ParaView from source on windows with catalyst.
ParaView Version : 5.13.0
set catalyst_DIR=C:\Tools\Catalyst\master
I am using ninja to compile this
I get the following cmake error :
CMake Error: Unable to read from file '../../../../../Praview/build/bin/Lib/site-packages/vtkmodules/vtkIOImage.py': Can't FindFirstFileW
CMake Error: Problem creating tar: C:/Tools/Paraview/build/lib/site-packages/_vtk.zip
However if I search the file vtkIOImage.py in the build directory, I am able to see it in the path.
I am getting a similar error on building master only that the file its not able to read is different
CMake Error: Unable to read from file 'vtkmodules/vtkFilterSources.py': Can't FindFirstFileW
CMake Error: Problem creating tar: C:/Tools/Paraview/build/lib/site-packages/_vtk.zip