CMake error while build paraview from source on Windows

I am trying to build ParaView from source on windows with catalyst.
ParaView Version : 5.13.0

set catalyst_DIR=C:\Tools\Catalyst\master

I am using ninja to compile this

I get the following cmake error :

CMake Error: Unable to read from file '../../../../../Praview/build/bin/Lib/site-packages/vtkmodules/': Can't FindFirstFileW
CMake Error: Problem creating tar: C:/Tools/Paraview/build/lib/site-packages/

However if I search the file in the build directory, I am able to see it in the path.

I am getting a similar error on building master only that the file its not able to read is different

CMake Error: Unable to read from file 'vtkmodules/': Can't FindFirstFileW
CMake Error: Problem creating tar: C:/Tools/Paraview/build/lib/site-packages/

Also to be noted is that in the above error message it reads “Praview”

I suspect this could be fixed with the new functionality I just added:

This MR adds a target that can be depended upon for anything that needs “all” of the Python wrapping to be complete. I suspect the custom command could use a dependency on this target.

Cc: @dgobbi

That looks to be a path typo on your side (as the build tree lives under it, ParaView itself has no say in its spelling).

Thanks @ben.boeckel
I pulled the latest VTK and tried to compile. I got a similar error

CMake Error: Unable to read from file 'vtkmodules/': Can't FindFirstFileW
CMake Error: Problem creating tar: C:/Tools/Paraview/build/lib/site-packages/ 

Do I need to set any additional options during ParaView cmake.

If you use ninja -k0, does this happen on a subsequent build? This could be a missing dependency problem.