Colormaps for Medical Image Visualizations


I saw a nice visualization of medical image data here on ParaView’s solutions page and I was wondering if there is a freely-available medical image colormap (similar to those found in 3D Slicer) to reproduce these images. I checked as specified in the paraview documentation, but the colormaps I saw were fairly generic and didn’t map onto CT/MRI intensities very well (white for high image intensity in CT, red for medium intensity in CT, etc.). Thank you!

This looks like the colour map called Reds, look for it in the ParaView Default Colormaps. There is also another one there called Fast (Reds)- not sure how to select it. Use “Choose Preset” in the "Colormap Editor to select Reds.

For VTK, this example: JSONColorMapToLUT could be useful to you. It lets you generate a VTK color map from ParaView Default Colormaps for C++ or Python, and also displays a cone using the colormap.