Combine two .vti and output a new .vti

Hello everyone:

I have two .vti, as the figure shown (.vti1 and .vti2):

I want to extract material 1 (red particles) in the first .vti, use it as a new material type and add it to the second .vti (vti2 has material 0 to 64). Finally I want to export the output .vti(material 0 to 65). I cannot export output.vti successfully. Could anyone tell me if ParaView is able to do this?

Best Regards,

Two things would be helpful in answering this question:

  1. Please share your data.
  2. What do you mean by extracting a material from one image and adding it to another. Do you mean that any point in the first .vti with a material value of 1 should have the corresponding point in the output set to 65, and all other points in the output set to the material value of .vti 2?

Al.vti (26.5 KB)
particles.vti (6.9 KB)

  1. Here’s the two .vti, first figure shows particles.vti(containing 2 kinds of materials), second figure shows Al.vti (containing 65 kinds of materials).
  2. Sorry for my unclear description. I want to extract all the red points in the first image, treat them as a new material, record their positions, and use these points to replace the points in the corresponding positions in the second image. In the end, I wanna get a .vti as shown as the third image, with 66 materials (the original 65 plus the newly added one). BTW, I image 1 and image 2 have the same size and grid size.

Thank you so much for your reply!!!

Best Regards,

There are a few steps to do this, but you can get this working by combining the attributes together and using a calculator to conditionally select one value or the other. The steps are as follows:

  1. Open particles.vti and Apply.
  2. Add the Rename Arrays filter to particles.vti and rename the material array to material_particles.
  3. Open Al.vti and Apply.
  4. Add the Rename Arrays filter to Al.vti and rename the material array to material_Al.
  5. Select both the Rename Arrays filters in the pipeline browser (using alt-click) and add the Append Attributes filter. Apply. This will combine the material arrays from both inputs into a single dataset so that they can be operated on together.
  6. Add the Calculator filter.
    • Set the Attribute Type to Cell Data.
    • Set the Result Array Name to material (or whatever other name you want).
    • Set the expression (right below the result array name) to if(material_particles=1, 65, material_Al) This will set the material to 65 if the material from particles.vti is 1, otherwise it will use the material from Al.vti.
    • Apply.
  7. (optional) Add the Pass Arrays filter to remove the material_Al and material_particles fields as they are no longer needed.

At this point you can write out the data as a .vti file if you wish.

Here is a state file and screenshot.

combine-materials.pvsm (866.8 KB)

The problem is solved now, thank you sooooo much!!! So kind of you :pray: :pray: :pray:
Wish you all the best!

Best Regards,