Compilation of Paraview for having all the readers

Dear Support,

I am compiling Paraview and I need to add some readers to open my simulation files. Normally I have these readers available with the non-compiled version of Paraview so I am trying to get them in the compiled version. I am using the following compilation configuration:

Compilation configuration

cmake \
-GNinja \
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ./paraview

Compilation command


However I am having the following output when compiling:

Which options should be added in order to have the readers (specially VisIt readers)?

Thank you in advance!

The option is not well formated. This should be

To enable more readers, you should know wich one you want :slight_smile: Usually, they are disable because they depends on an external dependency.

Also, this is not a valid syntax for a cmake call. Mostly, cmake arguments are on the format

Great! It worked! Thanks! I leave here the compilation config if someone needs it:

cmake \
-GNinja \
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ./paraview

Now I have to compile Paraview with OSMesa which it seems quite problematic

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