Compiling PV 5.5.0 on Windows for Plugin Development


My ultimate goal is to compile Paraview 5.5.0 on Windows 7, such that I can do some plugin-development, and to produce binary plugins compatible with the official binaries of Paraview downloadable from the Website.

I have:
cl.exe version 18.00.31101 for x64
Qt version 5.8.0

And I am building everything in Release-mode.

However, on compiling Paraview with Visual Studio I encounter errors of this sort:

1>------ Build started: Project: EmbossingRepresentations, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>  Generating Documentation HTMLs from xmls
1>  Processing wiki sources
1>  Processing wiki filters
1>  Processing wiki writers
1>  Processing wiki readers
1>  CS Wrapping - generating vtkBumpMapRepresentationClientServer.cxx
1>  CS Wrapping - generating vtkExtrusionRepresentationClientServer.cxx
1>  Generating vtkSMXML_EmbossingRepresentations.h
1>  -- Generate module: EmbossingRepresentations
1>  Generating moc_pqExtrusionPropertyWidgetDecoratorPWIImplementation.cpp
1>C:/Tmp-Daten/ParaView-Source/ParaView-v5.5.0-build3/Plugins/EmbossingRepresentations/pqExtrusionPropertyWidgetDecoratorPWIImplementation.h(43): error : Undefined interface
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Nevertheless, I manage to produce a paraview executable which basically works. For testing purposes, I compiled the Filter-Plugin from the examples, which works as expected with my compiled Paraview.

When I try to use the Plugin with the official binary Paraview, I get the following error:

ERROR: In C:\bbd\2d618e80\build\superbuild\paraview\src\ParaViewCore\ClientServerCore\Core\vtkPVPluginLoader.cxx, line 391 vtkPVPluginLoader (000000000D71D790): D

Can you give me any directions how to resolve this?


You will need to reproduce the binaries so your plugin is compatible.
There is some documentation here :

Kitware can also build the plugin for you.

Thank you very much for your answer.

I thought so, tried, and failed. Unfortunately, the documentation you mentioned is only up to version 5.4. Btw., do I have to build all features of the distributed binaries, or is it enough to produce a “basic” version?

I was not aware of the possibility that Kitware could build my plugin. What are the conditions/procedures?

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